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The Sun and the Moon

Chapter 5: Quick Authors Note


An authors note and a teaser

Chapter Text

Hello guys:
I wanted to let you know that I am not missing. I simply cannot write at this time, as I am studying pretty hardcore for my MCAT tomorrow, and as such, haven"t had time lately, especially these last few weeks.
I will be pretty stressed after the exam as well, so I may not get another chapter out for another couple weeks, cause the next two weeks are finals, so I"ll be cramming for them next. I wanted to post this so that you know that I am NOT abandoning this story, I just have to take a bit of a hiatus for a bit. The next chapter is partially written, so here"s a little teaser for you until then. Just a couple sentences.
Wish me luck on my MCAT and Finals, as I wish luck to you on yours! (if you are in that boat, if not, luck in life in general)


He had been there for a month now, and he still wasn"t entirely sure what to make of the blonde he roomed with. The blonde who was currently playing with a ball of light, tossing it into the air and catching it as a normal person would a bouncy ball. He shifted to look at the locked doors, fidgeting with the three pairs of bracelets around his wrist.

"You know I can feel that, right?" Will asked, lifting his own arms up, where his pair of Linked Cuffs shone red on his wrist, "Catch."

Nico was proud to say he had gotten the hang of this enough that he actually caught the ball of light, instead of it smacking him in the face like it had when he first began practicing.

He still hadn"t been able to keep it solid, and the light dissipated into shadows after a few seconds. He sighed, turning over for a nap, when the door"s locks whirred and a bright presence entered. He sat up to look at the face of Apollo.

"It is time." He stated, and Nico gulped, looking over to Will, who had stood up to follow Apollo, who gestured for them to follow him.