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Vid: Song Spirit


And so she set out to find the source of the blizzard.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Song: Song Spirit by Arlo Hannigan and Bryan Muktoyuk. This is from their collaborative album Fresh Water; you can read more about this album at Indigefi. Bryan Muktoyuk does the drums, spoken word, and vocable singing; Arlo Hannigan does the guitar and the chorus.

Footage: Most footage is from Kisima Ingitchuna | Never Alone and the Foxtales DLC, including both the gameplay and the cultural insight videos (which are available in great quality on the Never Alone vimeo). There is some additional footage from the Cook Inlet Tribal Council video Never Alone: The Making Of.

Download: song spirit on mediafire (154 mb)
Subtitles: srt file.


There's a scene in this vid that looks like animal harm (a fox is injured and thrown off a building), but the fox is a spirit and reappears as a fox boy. The fox boy and the fox are the same spirit.