Chapter Text
Hobie was there when they got back to the shop. He opened the door with some awful news.
“It’s Popper. She’s very sick. It’s good you got home today - the vet says she probably won’t last until the end of the week.”
Theo stood in the entryway in silence, Boris stock still next to him.
“Where is my little Popchyk?”
“Just in here. I’m sure she’d like to see you two, one last time.”
Theo felt his breath hitch when they got into the living room. Popper was lying on the sofa, and he could see her chest heaving under the blanket that was tucked around her. When Boris got into her line of sight, her tail waggled slightly and she made a dismal attempt at a bark.
Boris leant down to pet her gently, and when he looked up at Theo his eyes were wet. Theo kneeled next to Boris and nestled his face into the soft fur on Popper’s neck. He felt Hobie’s hand on her back as well, and her breathing began to slow. When Theo sat up, he felt tears pouring down his own face. He remembered all of the awful, perfect moments he had spent with this dog. The only good things from his childhood were here in this room with him, and one of their lights was quickly fading.
He eventually noticed that she hadn’t taken another breath in quite a while, and he couldn’t feel a pulse when he laid a hand on her tiny chest. Boris let out a little snuffle, then he leaned forward and planted a kiss right in between her ears.
“Love you, my little Popchyk. Will never forget you.”
Theo reached for Boris’ hand and placed his other hand on Hobie’s shoulder.
“She had a good life, didn’t she Theo?”
“Yeah. She did.”
“And she passed surrounded by her favorite people. I personally can’t think of a better way to go.”
“Me neither.”
“No better way, Mr. Hobie.”
After their little moment was up, they wrapped Popper in her favorite blanket and buried her in the little garden bed out back. Hobie retired shortly after, but Boris and Theo stayed up with some tea and bread, hungry from their flight.
“Potter, promise me that when I die, all my favorite people will be there.”
“Of course. Who all should I invite?”
“Hmmm. Just you, I guess. Hobie can come too.”
“Oh, Boris. I’m your favorite person?”
“Of course. Have always been.”
Well shit. Now Theo felt like crying again. He looked up and found Boris already watching him. It had been a long day. It had been a long week, and a long year, and a long life. Theo was so tired. He was ready to settle, and be sad sometimes and angry sometimes and happy sometimes and content most of the time. He was ready to be brave.
“You’re my favorite person too, Boris.”
Boris showed off his clean, pretty teeth and Theo had never felt better. If he could make Boris smile like that every day, then every hard and awful thing he’d been through would be worth it. And if Boris kissed him like he was now doing, slow and leisurely, every day, then he’d go through all those things a thousand times over. A million. He didn’t have to, though. He could just enjoy Boris and how he had moved to lean over Theo and how he tasted like honey and chamomile. They had so much precious time.
They eventually found their way upstairs and brushed their teeth side by side. It felt very domestic and Theo felt his chest swell. He changed into his pajama pants as Boris splashed his face with cold water. He was about to put on his sleep shirt when Boris came out.
“Gah! Potter! Wait for me.” He pounced on Theo, pushing him back onto the bed.
“Boris! Jesus.”
“Is okay?” Boris was still in his jeans and sweater.
“Hmm, no.” Boris frowned and moved to get off Theo, but he pulled him down for another kiss. Then he rolled Boris off of him and got him a pair of pajama pants from the dresser. He sat on the edge of the bed and openly stared as Boris changed, and Boris smirked widely as he walked back over. He had opted to go shirtless as well.
“There. Better now?”
“Yeah. Perfect.”
“Now… where where we?” Boris tapped his lower lip with a finger, hand on his hip and a questioning look on his face.
“Oh god. Come here.” Theo grabbed his waist and pulled him down so Boris was straddling his lap.
“Ah, eager are we Potter?” Boris chuckled.
“Hmm,” Theo hummed, gazing up at Boris. He was so pretty. He realized he could finally say that out loud.
“You’re awfully pretty, sweetheart.” A light pink rose to Boris’ cheeks, and he smiled shyly.
“You really think, darling?”
“Oh yes. Most definitely.”
“You are not too bad yourself.”
Boris pushed him back onto the bed, kissing him fiercely. Their hands roamed freely over each other’s torsos, and when they ran out of breath Boris rolled over and flopped beside Theo.
“Sleepytime Potter?”
“I think so, yeah.” Theo reached over to where Popper usually slept at the foot of the bed, and he was confused for a moment when she wasn’t there.
“You will miss her.” It wasn’t phrased as a question, and Theo supposed that made sense. Of course he would miss her. She was his dog, and the only real family he had left.
“Yeah.” It was as if Boris could read his mind.
“We had bad childhood. Lot of times make for bad adulthood, but I think we are different.”
“I sure hope so.”
“You made childhood better, Theo. You make adulthood better too. I know you feel like you ruin everything sometimes. You are scared. But you should not be.”
“Boris, I-“
“Shh. Was not lying, when I called you my lucky rabbit’s foot. You make everything better. Make me better.”
“Oh god, Boris. You make me better too.”
“Good. Now sleep. Is late.”
Boris curled into his side and Theo pulled the blankets up over them, falling asleep to Boris’ even breathing beside him