Work Text:
"What are the Avengers doing?" Ned asks.
"What?" Miles asks.
"What are they doing?" MJ asks.
"Uh... nothing out of the normal," Peter says.
"Oh-kay, what are they doing?" MJ asks.
"They’re attempting to play twister," Miles says.
"Why?" Ned asks.
"Fun? We don't ask," Cassie says.
"Can we all group up?" Peter asks.
"Already did. M helped," Cassie says.
"Our commen?" Miles asks.
"Yep," Cassie says.
"Let's head there then," MJ says.
"Yes, let's," Peter says.
"Ned, MJ," Matt says.
"M," Ned and MJ say.
"We need to figure out who this 'Venom' is. If he's a teen we'll get him," Matt says.
"That why we were brought in?" MJ asks.
"Yep," Matt says.
"Alright, I'll get set up," Ned says.
"Should we join everyday after school?" MJ asks.
"Yeah, at least till we figure out who he isand meet 'Venom'," Matt says.
"Alright. Group up by 4:30, taking into account Decathlon practice," Cooper says.
"Alright," the Teen-ngers say.