Work Text:
It had been ages since they'd last seen each other. The daughter of Ryloth, Hera Syndulla and jedi padawan Caleb Dume had only met once, yet they loved each other deeply.
Over the years they wrote letters to one another, and since they were forever at a distance they could only hope they were received. They always were, though time was a difficult and often fustrating circumstance.
When they were younger they exchanged letters as pen-pals, but as they matured into young adults they soon developed into love letters, ones that would cause the reader's heart beat just a bit faster every time they opened the envelope.
It was a shame they had to burn them once they finished reading. For the daughter of Ryloth could not be caught sending love letters to a jedi, and a jedi padawan could certainly never be caught having a romantic attachment.
That's the main reason they wrote letters and sent them in crates. Devices such as comlinks and holopads left a history, one that could easily be discovered and revealed to the wrong people if found, and packages such as crates could easily disguise the letters as cargo.
This left a section of most of their letters concerning their appearences. They would often describe their appearences after any changes, and in their darkest moments would ask if the other would still love them after the years that had passed, to which the other would never hesitate to answer 'of course I'll still love you.'
Crate after crate, and burned letter after burned letter, the distanced lovers only grew more impatient to see one another again.
That's when a miracle happened.
Hera had finally saved enough money for the Corellian VCX-100 light freighter she'd always wanted, and it just so happened that her neglecting father was going to be off-planet for a couple of weeks.
She wrote to him on the matter almost immediately and sent it away with the quickest carrier. She needed to know if he could reunite with her, and maybe even run away with her, though she didn't get that bold in the letter.
Caleb wrote back as soon as he'd finished reading the letter. Yes he could find a way to reunite with her, and yes, oh God yes, would he be willing to throw everything away just to be with her.
They planned to reunite at a run-down, unpopular cantina on a shabby little planet called Gorse. In three days time, they packed their things and set course for the most nerve-wracking trip of their lives.
Reuniting with the one they loved most.
Wholeheartedly trusting the other wouldn't stand them up, or leave them because of their new appearance, each landed simultaneously at different landing bays.
Hera's hands shook furiously as she shut off The Ghost and payed the landing fee. Caleb couldn't stop the feeling of millions of butterflies fluttering around within his stomach, all while hoping he didn't look too awkward.
Once Caleb stepped inside the cantina, the owner gave him a friendly wave and got him situated in a booth near the back. As soon as he was seated the older man playfully smacked Caleb's shoulder, "You look nervous boy, meeting up with a girl or something?"
Caleb shifted awkwardly, "Yeah... Something like that."
The owner shook his head, "Ah, I've seen this a million times, I'm sure you'll do great, champ. Name's Okadiah by the way, shout if you need anything!" He yelled as he made his way back to the counter. Caleb gave an awkward thumbs up.
Jeez what was that? He thought as he facepalmed, You're twenty three years old and you don't know how to- oh kriff that's sweaty, "Hey could you get me a nap-"
He froze.
The door had just opened to reveal the most beautiful Twi'lek he'd ever seen. Was she glowing? Or was that just him?
Suddenly the whole room was silent, even Okadiah gawked as Hera slowly scanned the room for Caleb.
Forcing his legs to get up and move, Caleb ran to the entrance, bumping into a few waiters and almost tripping over an unconscious Rodian's foot.
After what felt like an obstacle course, he made it. Standing in front of her now, in her glowing essence, he felt like the happiest man in the galaxy.
He was relieved to discover she felt the same as a affectionate smile formed on her gorgeous face.
They had spent ten long, agonizing years without each other, and now the wait was finally over.
They were both dying to say something but didn't know if the other wanted to speak first, after a few moments they decided to just go for it.