Collections including Writings in Caffeine
1 Collection
List of Collections
Welcome to the Berlermo gift exchange event 2021.
- The gift has to be about BERLERMO
- The gift can be a FIC (minimum 1’000 words) or ART. It has to be new, original, and fulfill the prompt
- DON’T reveal your identity to your partner before december 23!
- DON’T change your AO3 username before December 23!
- Inform me ASAP if further participation in this event isn’t possible for you anymore- Post your gift on December 23 (in your time zone) on AO3:
Gift it to the AO3 username I send you
Add the tag: Berlermo Secret Santa
Add the work to the collection: BerlermoSecretSanta2021Send an ask/dm on Tumblr or on Twitter @SSberlermo21 if you have questions.
(Open, Unmoderated)