Work Text:
When Potter makes fun of his holiday scarf, Draco takes matters into his own
Many thanks to the lovely Owlpost mods and their endless patience as I had to remake this gift after my dogs ate it! I’d also like to thank icarusinflight and gnarf for their encouraging words, and especially to gnarf for the ever-so-perfect title. Sugareey, I saw your note about the rubber ducks and immediately knew what I wanted to make for your gift; I hope you enjoy it!
slytherinnbitch, Edukss, ainoame16, Loca_Land_8P, ARandomReader4099, Excellentknaveofthetinyforest, Cleeya_Mae, TheMightyFlynn, BeforeEternity, JET_Playin, iLiKEtRaiNs88867888, Witchy_xx, c_art, merihn, lumosatnight, KenobiBuck, MysticKitten42, sugareey, hallo_13, tostandalone, KawaiiCourt, helula, Lyricallives, erzsi1110, ernestin, Vaysh, Ladderofyears, and crazybutgood as well as 17 guests left kudos on this work!