Work Text:
As a broken program, Agent Smith attempts to reflect on his long and bloody life, especially his "connection" with Thomas A. Anderson.
I write this with the upmost love and affection for the character of Agent Smith. I first started writing Matrix fanfiction when I was 12-years-old. 18 years later, I wrote this in preparation for Resurrections. It is my sincere hope that Smith finds some sort of peace. But if not, I wanted to write a proper send off to at least Hugo Weaving's version of the character.
I had to upload this piece as images given a text experiment I was trying to utilize here. Hopefully you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
leotigas, Someonethatlikestoread, tiredbucky, catapultcapuchin, VioletStar250, no_soup_for_you, ssmoki, KleryFlery, Sitirro, JekkiJekk, orosco, luzi22, CandyButterflyMM, tposing_katt, leopards_ate_my_face, Dracoravebird, Person_with_a_cool_name, Fayal_Lir, Xogoi_Momo, Cxrpserxpper, dreamw0rms, YiKurong914, Skoff, kagamitan, TheGoldenFox, Eleanne, WaywardCorvid, F1rebane, InvisibleRedhead, Counterfactual, ElmoTheGreatFanboy, FloaromaMeadow, alliwannadoisbangbangbangbang, Raz33, Thesseli, doudareva12, QELICHE, captain_arctica, WhovianPrisonerZero, gaudete, frozenEuropa, Egriz, erisn, paulayonia3087, Hexecutioner, StrangerThanThou, Lewdllama, SandwichTrick, odalwa, Lord_Yaulendil, and 20 more users as well as 45 guests left kudos on this work!