Work Text:
I have no explanation. The prompt was "air sex" and somehow it turned into this. Blame Merlioske, as usual.
IHaveComeToBargain, ShakeSly, August_Mayhem, pun57slay, Cheesecake_sexual, cr1ngeculture, NndaJjda, CharlieLovesNick, emzo060, Yoorachel, AngelicMouseGirl, Different21, Love_to_Ship7, luzlightyear, atitforatati, Pelly, OliveCanvas4444, seventypercentvodka, elizzysnow132000, yiboist_bunny_rabbit7, Robbie12345, Excellentknaveofthetinyforest, SnippySnomy, frej3928, kittenkat95, sleepygecko, beehiveclover, ivelich80, ILynx, elfwazhere, HunRidle, feuxx, its2022, Uzu_chan, I_LOVE_Uther_Pendragon, jakespeare, BlackWingKink_DevilLord, Maroness, Elephet, Direwolf06, daikininz, just_bush, freakingbbc, RainbowSnake8791, TrishaWartooth, SauraUnderscore, DrogonTheDragon, Sage_Owl, sherlock_is_actually_a_girls_name, chaosgenes, and 75 more users as well as 34 guests left kudos on this work!