Work Text:
A sweet and intimate moment between Draco and Astoria. I imagine it's sometime shortly before they find out that they're going to be parents, so they're in their mid twenties.
Hermy55, caesarjoestar, NourMorgan, erraticallylori, pufflexz, Almost_Villainous, caminacoolfont, Wise_Slytherins, Never_bimyself, LittleBunLilou, SarkyLittleMonster, Pandasrus, Nbough, grauenaugen, Tinynaut, PhoenixPixie, BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose, Zaarija, WalleFiore11, karparawel, Simpnayeon, PersuadedMeIntoIt, moni_lover, DestiTheUnicorn, Bunnycat2833, Yamiai69, cassiquesadilla, Uz_Naimat, fuckthisshittillidie, MeEp__MoRp, namespace_std, y_08007694, Whiterabbit11, Yamiai44, Ash_Snow22, Angel_face47, LadyCecily88, Redflower42, Lisa_Malius, Polaris_Moon2, PrincessBeast, motsiparul, jester_complex, myexistentialcriss, strawberrybxmb, DragonMigo, bakehyun, nery_gonan, IvyAlice, cherrytulip, and 26 more users as well as 47 guests left kudos on this work!