Work Text:
Cover Art provided by the exquisite Rscreighton. |
Streaming AudioFor mobile streaming: ***Click here*** Thank you, Paraka Productions, for hosting me! Download (right-click and save)
It begins with a murder. And ends with a kiss.
When Hannibal meets Will's aunt and uncle at a crime scene, he feels the need to extend a dinner invitation to the loving couple. Hannibal has always known Will to be unique, but when dinner reveals startling new truths about the other man, his obsession becomes something more than love. And Hannibal has never been one to pass up on a good thing.
Thank you to Rose Creighton for editing, making cover art, and being the best human on this planet. You're a hero. ♥
To Shmaylor, I wanted something a little quirky, a little murder-y, and a little found family fun. I hope you like it. :)
Cover Art provided by the exquisite Rscreighton. |
Streaming AudioFor mobile streaming: ***Click here*** Thank you, Paraka Productions, for hosting me! Download (right-click and save)
why98764321, Shadows20, Nottak, crown_of_dandelion, Chilly_Bee, OneDayBeauty, Migren, Rishi777, Akumasfate, Dedica, jesperanda, DarkAngel7073, dagna1688, Rogue_Rook, AngelSelene, planet_p, twoseas, reena_jenkins, and Shmaylor as well as 8 guests left kudos on this work!