Chapter Text
The party was loud. There were cheers around them, it all sounded genuine and it brought a smile to their face. It had been almost a year since Casita fell. But the party wasn’t for that, there were still a few months before that. It was their Mamá’s, aunt’s and uncle's birthday . The woman had taken over the dance floor with Abuela watching fondly on the side lines. They could only smile. It was nice to see them let their hair down.
They looked at the flickering candles and smiled. It was nice being able to appreciate the small things. There was a soft squeak as a rat appeared before gesturing back to the door. Their uncle Bruno slinked in with a smile.
“Are you enjoying yourself uncle?” They asked as they gave the rodent a head scratch before it left. The man hummed and nodded watching the fire dance.
“It’s a lot, but nice to see everyone happy.” Camilo smiled and hummed. “There’s a lot of relatives I haven’t seen in a while. It's nice…” The pair looked out the window watching the candles flicker alive in the village below.
“Uncle, how did you forgive Abuela?” They asked, hearing some stuttering and fumbling from him.
“Well it took time. I had ten years to. You’ve not even had one yet. I’m also older so I got more life experience compared to myself at the time I left even more so than being your age. So I’d guess, time.” Camilo smiled and nodded.
“I get it, thanks uncle.” They felt a hand on their head ruffling their hair ruffling their curls.
“Alright, anymore questions?” They laughed and shook their head.
“No uncle. I’m good.” They smiled as they looked at the candle. “Don’t worry… I was just curious, that's all. Oh I tucked some of your favourites behind Abuelo’s portrait so you can grab them when you want to slip back up to your room without having to sneak into the kitchen. I think Mira also left you your hidden present there too.” Their uncle laughed as they fist pumped the air.
“This is why you two are my favourite! Don’t tell that to your siblings and cousins though.”
Camilo smiled and nodded as they watched their uncle seem to ‘communicate’ with a rat and nod. “It seems I’m needed again. Are you going to be ok in here Camilo?” They gave a nod and watched the candle flame.
“I’ll be ok uncle I just needed a breather is all. I’ll be back soon.” Bruno nodded and smiled as they left the room, before they could shut the door Camilo yelled. “Also happy birthday!”
Camilo chuckled as they watched the flame dance. They’re glad they had that moment. It was something they needed to hear.