Chapter Text
Hi! I have decided to put the revised version of stay for the night as its own work so that people can both read this one, and see what's changed/improved in the other!! It's up now!!!
Hi! I have decided to put the revised version of stay for the night as its own work so that people can both read this one, and see what's changed/improved in the other!! It's up now!!!
Durkey, Blackheart62, spaceantwhowrites, Swedish_Dumbass, Y_Khalil, Atlas_14396, Astral_Queen, MaraudersMatee, hrewannabe, whymeiy, Akystaracer22, LBKgirl, Cyltren, Pharalune, Missmiso, DreamlyWritesShit, hmjlokiruby, Suphiia, Selcouthpsithuri, Min_Celyn, penguinsss, Le_Bookworm1, Morgana_pollux, EternalDream, Pixledxxdreams, ninisknight, polyphemus_curtains, Grinbirdd, Xweetypie, ScarYgHost2Knight, Yer_Yer, Fan_dom_dom, Tiny_Maze, conasaurio, liwiaggd, alamony, a03d3, MermaidBob, whateveniscanon, soarz, Susurra, anonymous_reader_33, RUSH_pmstgt, TheSunsetBeneathTheMountain, Etoile354, Nacho_Cheese, Aura415, Strangerous, CADBrat, capriciousGodhead, and 1191 more users as well as 968 guests left kudos on this work!