Work Text:
Companion piece to The Morning After, in which Merlin decides he can let Arthur have a bit of a lie-in and still wake him up for some more fun...
Happy birthday, Tsundanire! Also, Merlioske pitched in and bought Arthur a barbell. You can decide if that makes it modern au, but I choose to believe nipple piercings go pretty far back...
Luvmyfurbaby, burntchikennuggets, geekmybride, dragonriddles, Koontyme, pun57slay, LilyLaverick, driedfrogpills, Slinkyrabbit, cr1ngeculture, Carla5, NndaJjda, emzo060, AngelicMouseGirl, nauTank_i, Different21, XLittlexWitchx, IHaveComeToBargain, Love_to_Ship7, atitforatati, TheSeaThesea, Pelly, OliveCanvas4444, seventypercentvodka, kyoharuforever, elizzysnow132000, yiboist_bunny_rabbit7, The_World_in_Black_and_White, Lady_Black20, readinginmyfreetime, Excellentknaveofthetinyforest, emilio26, Shadoz, SauraUnderscore, frej3928, beehiveclover, ILynx, Sage_Owl, elfwazhere, letmedemonstrate_x, its2022, Uzu_chan, I_LOVE_Uther_Pendragon, jakespeare, blueskysunnyday, BastardBystander, Maroness, Anchelita, Dangerzone42, Direwolf06, and 83 more users as well as 32 guests left kudos on this work!