Work Text:
1 Ghostbur woke up on the ground, he could feel the cold ground press against his scraped hands. He felt dizzy and light headed, his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting that lit up the concrete room.
2 There was a human-like figure standing above him, its hand reached out toward him. The tips of its finger were a faded black color, as if they had been frozen. Their hair was a faded blond color, it looked as if the color could've once been a mousy blonde. The figure wore a red suit, the sleeves of which were rolled up to his elbows. The uniform was paired with a red conductor's hat that was titled with a single "X". The most noticeable part of the odd outfit was the mask it wore, it was a plain white mask that was dirtied with what looked like ash or soot and marked with two single marks where their eyes would've been.
3 Ghostbur took his hand gingerly, the figure pulled him up almost as soon as their hands made contact.
4 Ghostbur took the time to study his surroundings. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made of cracked concrete that practically radiated cold. There were dim lights that were hung from the ceiling and barely lit up the gray walls. Train tracks that were overgrown with vines and drooping flowers were in front of him. It looked like it had been a station at one point but was abandoned for many years. The air was to still and he could swear he heard faint whispers coming from beyond the walls.
5 A red, well-kept train was parked on the rails in front of him, it was lined with black paint and detailed with golden yellow paint. It contrasted against its darkened and abandoned surrounding and didn't look like it belonged there.
6 ''Who- who are you?" Ghostbur asked the obscure train conductor standing in front of him.
7 The mysterious human-like figure visibly thought for a moment before seemingly getting an idea. ''You can call me Xelqua!" The figure exclaimed as if proud of their self. Its voice was oddly British, it sounded vaguely masculine but still a bit high pitched, "And you must be Ghostbur- or Wilbur-" Xelqua continued.
8 Ghostbur blinked in surprise, "Well- yes that'd be me!" He offered the conductor a small smile.
9 Xelqua muttered what sounded like a "yes!" before looking back up at Ghostbur. "Could you come with me? Well- I mean you don't really have that much of a choice unless you want to stay here." Xelqua looked around as he spoke, Ghostbur looked as well.
10 Ghostbur thought for a moment. Xelqua seemed nice enough, and he didn't really want to stay there either. "Sure.!" Ghostbur responded a bit hesitantly.
11 Xelqua nodded contently at the answer before turning around and walking to the red train and opening the door.
12 "Well c'mon now!" He could hear Xelqua's smile in his voice as he stepped into the train.