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[Podfic] a candle blown out
chaoswithpods (chaoswithcake)
Gusu Lan takes in Wei Wuxian after Yu Ziyuan nearly kills him punishing him.
- For RoseThorne.
- Inspired by [Restricted Work] by RoseThorne (Log in to access.)
my pronunciation of chinese words in this fic is a little off, sorry!
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
This fic is part 1 of 3 of a series, and while i haven't recorded the other parts yet, please go check out the written version of part 2 and 3 here!
If you enjoyed, please also give the original work a kudos!
Gregthegoldfish, Kgedbird, blueyeti, Mushynoodles, DragomirPrincess, newtypeshadow, IheartReading, Ephippiarius, DeadlyRaygun, Killena, the_iron_shadow, YueLiang_12, Queenlina1_5_3, an_asta, Farfaraway_cat, Myrddinpout, I_am_my_character, orange_cactus, Whoopsie2456, Oblako, TheBrookesNook, notmargaretmurray, Yaoibeats, NagiLuna, LadyK123456, saperks, Fiona_20202, Marz, Lilima, D_Natsume11037, LearieAndGoose, BriHdz, Mellowdramanda, Starlight_13, moscatete, NonbinaryFaerie, ToomanyOTPsbutI_love_all_of_them, clmoryel, KeeperofSeeds, malfinson, Melonnie_melon, Koontyme, Dactylifera, Marae, Teuthida, the_anon_bird, Preludian_Staves, super_novatuna, and RoseThorne as well as 12 guests left kudos on this work!