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A Second Chance


After being captured by the Trap Team at the Wilikin Workshop, Dr. Krankcase is brought to Skylanders Academy. Being a hero will take some getting used to, but after reuniting with an old friend, Dr. Krankcase embraces the change.

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All was strange and new the day the Trap Team brought the captured Dr. Krankcase back to Skylanders Academy. Once he had been contained in Traptanium and safely transported back to headquarters, the Skylanders decide to let the mad scientist out. They are not inclined to treat Dr. Krankcase too cruelly, especially since he did agree to do good from now on. Plus, he would be vastly outnumbered here if he were to try something anyway. Gearshift happens to be the one who trapped Dr. Krankcase, so she releases him. She and a few other members of the Trap Team stand by, as well as their allies Flynn, Cali, Mags and Buzz.

As he is summoned from the Trap, Dr. Krankcase hollars as he lands in the middle of the heroes surveying him. “You know, it kind of smells in there,” he says as he quickly brushes himself off and adjusts his goggles, “Maybe you should-” when Dr. Krankcase looks up, he locks eyes with none other than Mags, his old friend from inventor’s school. The doctor freezes, and the two of them stare wide-eyed at each other for a moment before Mags looks away. Awkwardly, Dr. Krankcase looks around and straightens his posture. 

“Welcome to Skylanders Academy, Dr. Krankcase. This is where you will be staying for the time being,” Snap Shot announces.

“Thanks, pal,” Dr. Krankcase responds politely, “Nice place you have here, I see you have some pretty cool inventions here.”

“We have Mags to thank for that,” Cali comments appreciatively.

I know, Dr. Krankcase thinks, that’s why I brought it up. Even during his time with the Doom Raiders, Dr. Krankcase heard plenty about Mags’ successes. Being the creator of over eighty-seven million inventions as well as an ally to the Skylanders, it was impossible for him not to hear about her. Even though the two have not seen each other in years, Dr. Krankcase is still proud of all that Mags has accomplished. Just recently, she was proclaimed “Inventor of the Year,” and Dr. Krankcase saved the article dedicated to her accomplishments, stashing it away in his lab. It is a shame he does not have it with him now, but, on the other hand, Krankcase would be nervous that Mags would be mad at him for having something like that. He does not know what feelings of hatred his old friend may harbor for him now, but he imagines that someone as honest as her would lament the man Dr. Krankcase has become.

After glancing at everyone (though he and Mags still avoid eye contact), Dr. Krankcase is instructed to go with Snap Shot for a debriefing. So, the group disperses and the heroes go about their regular duties, chattering about having another villain to work with. 

Snap Shot explains the regulations Dr. Krankcase will be held to while at Skylanders Academy, “So, there are four things we expect from villains coming in here. First, you will obviously not be allowed to do anything evil. If you get caught stepping out of line, you will be sent straight to the Villain Vault,” with his Traptanium arrow, he points to the small prison in front of the Academy. “Second, you are not allowed to roam the Academy without someone supervising you, at least until you prove yourself trustworthy. Third, whenever a Skylander wants your help, they can summon you at any time from the Tech Trap. And finally, you will have to stay in the Villain Vault overnight when there is no one to guard you.”

“Alright… Sounds fair enough to me,” Dr. Krankcase complies.

“Good. Welcome to the team, Dr. Krankcase,” Snap Shot beams.

“Thanks. Mind if I look around a bit?” the inventor asks.

Nodding, Snap Shot says, “I’ll allow it. But remember, I’ll be keeping an eye on you.”

“Understood.” Krankcase turns from the Trap Master and sets off to explore the Academy. Perhaps he will run into Mags along the way. He hopes that he does so that he can finally apologize to her.

The first thing Dr. Krankcase goes to see is the Villain Vault. He notes the fact that it appears to be lined with Traptanuim. Not that he expected it to be easy to escape from. Then, the inventor wanders around the courtyard for a bit. 

Dr. Krankcase notes how bright and calm the atmosphere is at Skylanders Academy. As a villain, he is used to residing in much more intimidating structures, huge fortresses furnished with dark woods and cold metals, nothing like the Academy’s pale stones with little flowers growing on them. It will take some getting used to, living in a place that is inviting rather than one that is meant to scare people away. He cannot say that he disapproves, though, Dr. Krankcase does come across a few spots where a goo fountain would do nicely.

It certainly feels odd walking amongst heroes. He is nervous about this new arrangement, but puts on a brave face as he feels like he has no other choice. Though a few people stare at him for a bit longer than his liking, no one at the Academy makes the scientist feel unwelcome. He greets many of them as he passes by and most of them respond quite politely, which eases his anxiety a bit. Krankcase half expected that someone would try to attack him, not knowing that he was brought here by the Trap Team, but he realizes that the Skylanders are much more forgiving than any villain Dr. Krankcase ever knew. Speaking of villains, Dr. Krankcase has yet to come across any. He knows that the Skylanders have captured over half of the Doom Raiders now, perhaps seeing one of them here would make this all feel more real. 

There are so many Skylanders here, Dr. Krankcase already knows he will not remember all of their names. However, he does eventually come across one familiar face, that being the Chompy Mage. The inventor finds him wandering around a grassy corner of the courtyard, muttering things about Chompies to himself. 

Still crazy as ever, Dr. Krankcase thinks. Ironic, as he himself is rather touched. 

“Hello, Chompy Mage,” Dr. Krankcase greets politely.

“Whaaa, you’re here too?” the mage asks in that strange voice of his, surprised to find the green creature standing behind him. 

“Yeah… I was captured just like you were. Golden Queen is surely not happy right now,” he shrugs. 

“I don’t care about Golden Queen, I only care about the Chompies! They need me!” Chompy Mage raves. 

Krankcase is a bit surprised by the Chompy Mage’s outright carelessness about Golden Queen, but then he remembers that the mage was not a part of the Doom Raiders for very long and was never instilled with the complete loyalty - and fear - that Dr. Krankcase and the others learned. 

“At first, I didn’t like this place. And it was even worse when the Skylanders would bring me into battle with them. They expected me to go after my precious Chompies!” Chompy Mage continues, “But I don’t harm the Chompies, instead, I summon them to my side to help!”

“Right… glad you’re adjusting here,” Dr. Krankcase says. The tone of his voice gives away that he does not really care about the wizard’s bizarre obsession with Chompies, though he is impressed that Chompy Mage was able to turn his villainous habits into beneficial skills for fighting alongside the Skylanders. Krankcase hopes that he too can make this change. 

“You would know how it feels if you had a family of your own!” the mage shouts. “Yeah!” agrees the Chompy Puppet. 

The scientist rolls his eyes, brushing off the very pointed statement, and begins strolling away. “See you later, Chompy Mage.” Better to just move on. 


After seeing all there is to see in the courtyard, Dr. Krankcase decides to enter the Academy’s great castle. As Dr. Krankcase approaches the huge double doors, he glances around before pushing them open. In awe, he admires the vast and ornate interior of Skylanders Academy. To his surprise, Dr. Krankcase notices Mags near the entrance as he looks to his right. She appears to be tinkering noisily with some machine. The doctor approaches but stops at the metal stairs that lead up to the wooden platform on which Mags stands. Each step is made of floor grates, the solid metal divided by rectangular slots which Dr. Krankcase’s legs can easily get stuck in. Knowing from experience that these types of surfaces are challenging for him to walk on, Dr. Krankcase decides not to risk it. He remains at the bottom of the steps as he calls to Mags.

“Um, excuse me, Mags?” Dr. Krankcase says, but receives no response. “Mags? Can I talk to you?” he calls a little louder, “Dr. Margaret Schneider!” Still nothing. She must not be able to hear me, she looks busy anyway, Dr. Krankcase presumes, and steps away defeated.

“You remember my name?”

Krankcase turns at the sound of Mags’ voice.

Stepping away from her machine, Mags flips up her monocle. “I would’ve thought ya forgot all about lil’ ol’ me.”

“I may not remember much, but I could never forget you,” Dr. Krankcase says, looking down as he fidgets with his gloves. “Do you have a moment to talk?”

Mags smirks. “So, ya wanna talk to me? Well… why don’t ya come up here then?” she suggests.

Dr. Krankcase looks down at the grated stairs, then back at Mags. Taking a deep breath, Dr. Krankcase slowly climbs up the steps. He has to very carefully position each of his legs so that they do not fall through the gaps. If he were to get stuck, the metal could damage the ends of his legs, and Dr. Krankcase certainly would not want that. It takes a few awkward moments, but Dr. Krankcase makes it up the steps, his legs still in perfect condition.

“Wow. Wasn’t sure you’d actually do it. This must be important,” Mags muses. “Now, don’t be shoutin’ my full name ‘round here anymore! Makes me sound like a pretentious old lady.”

Dr. Krankcase chuckles. “Sure thing, Mags.”

“Well then, what did ya want to talk about?” asks Mags.

After taking a nervous breath, Dr. Krankcase tells her. “Well, as this is the first time we’ve seen each other in years, I wanted to apologize. I know we had a falling out in the past. My memory may not be what it was, but… I… regret letting you go. So, I’m sorry for anything I may have said or done to you.”

“Do you even remember what you did?”

Somberly, Dr. Krankcase shakes his head.

“Then how can I know you’re bein' genuine? You’re apologizing for somethin’ ya don’t even recall doing,” Mags says.

“I may not remember much from back then, but I do remember you, Mags,” Dr. Krankcase explains earnestly, “You were my best friend. We went to inventor’s school together. And then… I went off on my own, we never spoke again. I hurt you, I just know I did. It seems that’s all I know how to do…”

“You certainly burned the bridge between us,” Mags assures.

“I want to make things better, Mags. The Skylanders brought me here, maybe I can become like them.”

After all these years of chasing glory, Mags is surprised that making amends is Dr. Krankcase’s only goal. Unless he is being disingenuous… “Forgive me for not really believin’ ya changed your mind so quickly,” Mags says.

With a sigh, Dr. Krankcase ponders for a moment. Mags is right about him, he prioritizes his work and never truly cares about anything else… except for one. Suddenly, Dr. Krankcase takes off his top hat, gaining a look of confusion from Mags. The mad doctor reaches inside, feeling for the little compartment he sewed in. Once he finds it, he pulls something small out of the hat before returning it atop his head. Dr. Krankcase opens his hand for Mags to see a chip of wood with “♡ Mags” engraved in it.

She puts a hand to her mouth in surprise. “You kept this? Mags asks incredulously, “After all these years?”

He nods. “I know it’s just a chipped piece of wood but I could never bring myself to get rid of it… because you obviously gave it to me, though I don’t remember that well.”

Mags looks at Dr. Krankcase differently now. She never knew him to be the sentimental type; he only ever seemed to care about things that were useful to him. After college, Mags never doubted that Dr. Krankcase seldom thought of her. In fact, she imagined that he had forgotten about her years ago. However, this… changes things. The inventor clings to such a small and seemingly insignificant item because he knows it ties him to Mags… which leads her to believe that Dr. Krankcase is not as heartless as he seems.

Clearing her throat, Mags explains, “The day you tried to burn down the hospital… I went back to your room and, of course, you were gone. This is from lil’ desk I made ya… what you used to start the fire. I had no idea you thought to keep a piece of it.”

“So you did make it for me,” Dr. Krankcase muses with a smile, “I’ve been carrying this around for so many years, with only the inscription to give some idea why.” He changes his tone, “I’m sorry. I destroyed the thing you made for me. I treated you poorly. You were the only friend I had. The only one I remember,” Dr. Krankcase looks Mags in the eyes, “I know I don’t deserve a second chance, but I’m asking for one, Mags…”

For a moment, there is silence and the two inventors are completely still, eyes locked. Something inside her has always wanted to make amends with Krankcase. Perhaps he really has changed for the better. Finally, Mags breaks the silence. “I’ll forgive ya, Dr. Krankcase, but you’ll have to earn my trust again.”

“Of course. I’ll do my best. For the greater goo’d!” Krankcase proclaims.

Mags stifles a laugh. 


“Oh, your puns are getting out of hand, Doctor,” Mags says with a chuckle.

“Alright then, I shall take my leave,” Dr. Krankcase says, replacing his hat.

“No, no, I’m kidding! Your puns aren't that bad, okay?”

Dr. Krankcase grins. “Yeah, well I ought to let you get back to what you were doing.”

Mags assures him that she was not working on anything very pressing. “It can wait. I was just makin’ a fun lil’ coin dispenser, a present for the Skylanders. If ya want, I can show ya ‘round the Academy. I did invent nearly everything in this place, ya know.”

“In that case, why don’t you show me where your workshop is?” Dr. Krankcase asks.

“Well…” Mags shifts in place, “I don’t actually have one.”

“So, you designed this entire academy but didn’t think to build yourself a workshop?”

“Well, I mean, there are workshops and labs here. Just not one specifically for myself…” Mags explains. 

Dr. Krankcase gives a small laugh, “You hero types are so selfless. You’re Skylands’ Inventor of the Year, Mags, you deserve your own workshop at the very least!”

Mags raises an eyebrow. “So, you’ve been keeping tabs on me, Dr. Krankcase?”

“…It’s just that I’m an inventor and so, I hear about what’s going on with other inventors. You’re not exactly an unknown,” Dr. Krankcase explains, causally downplaying the situation.

Mags tries to hide a grin.

“Anyway, how do you make sure your blueprints don’t get stolen if you don’t have your own workshop to store them in?” Krankcase changes the subject.

Pausing for a moment, Mags shoots Dr. Krankcase a look as if to say ‘is it not obvious?’ She answers quietly, “People don’t steal things here. Maybe if some Sky Pirates flew in trying to steal some heavily un-guarded non-secrets from the Academy, we’d have a problem. But everyone who lives here is respectful of everyone else.”

This realization makes Dr. Krankcase feel a bit absurd. Once again, he forgot that being around the Skylanders is starkly different from being around villains like the Doom Raiders. “Ah, well… that’s nice,” the doctor says, somewhat awkwardly. “I still think you should have your own workshop, though.”

With a chuckle, Mags tells him, “Sure, I’ll get right on that.”


Mags proceeds to give Dr. Krankcase a tour of Skylanders Academy, giving the two reunited inventors time to catch up. After so many years apart, there is so much they want to know about each other to fill in the gaps. 

“So, what’s the last memory you have of us?” Mags asks curiously.

After thinking for a moment, Dr. Krankcase responds. “I think… I was in the hospital. You came to talk to me about something but I wouldn’t listen. I was working on something, and I told myself that it was more important than you. So, I told you to leave me alone…”

Solemnly, Mags nods, noting how vague the description of Dr. Krankcase’s memory is. “It happened more than once, ya know… you letting me know my presence wasn’t wanted,” she notices Dr. Krankcase’s face fall to hear this; he looks guilty. “That wasn’t the last time we saw each other, though. I think you’re talking about when you were getting ready for your dissertation, right before you earned your doctorate.”

“Oh, what am I a doctor of?” Krankcase asks abruptly, genuinely sounding interested to learn something about his own history, something he should already know. 

This question takes Mags by surprise. She looks at him incredulously. “You don’t remember what you’re a doctor of?”

The mad scientist shakes his head, genuinely at a loss. 


“Really?” Dr. Krankcase asks, relieved to finally know. “I mean, that makes sense, but I thought I had majored in something more unique, like evil.”

“Oh, ya did. You have a Master’s in evil, somethin’ I never found out from you, I might add. But engineering was always your focus, at least until ya decided to go for that double major. Ya always wanted to be an inventor.”

“Well, I guess I succeeded at that,” Dr. Krankcase smirks, his bottom tusks gleaming.

“I’m proud of you, Dr. Krankcase. You’ve been through a lot, but look where you are now,” Mags says.

“I suppose I have...” Dr. Krankcase gets the strange realization that Mags knows more about his past than he does. Sure, he has the scars to prove it, but his mind blocked out most of the unpleasant memories. “I don’t remember anything bad happening to me before becoming a villain, and even then, I was just putting myself in dangerous situations. I thought I was the one who put people through a lot.”

“Don’t get me wrong, you’ve made some questionable decisions,” Mags adds, “But you weren’t born bad.”

Hopefully, Dr. Krankcase says, “Well, maybe in time, I can be as good as you, Mags.”

Mags laughs lightheartedly, “I’m honored to be your role model. I know you’ll get there one day.”

The two smile, and continue their tour of Skylanders Academy.


Soon, it grows late and they lose track of the time. Once it occurs to Dr. Krankcase that it is pitch black outside, he and Mags quietly make their way back to the courtyard. As they step through the massive doors, Dr. Krankcase looks around slyly before moving forward. It seems that everyone who was out roaming during the day have all retired now. The only noise outside is the sound of Mags’ footsteps and Dr. Krankcase’s spider legs clicking against the cobblestones… Until the silence is broken.

From behind them comes a deep voice. “Going somewhere, villain?” 

Dr. Krankcase turns around to find Krypt King looming over him. He looks up at the Trap Master. “Uh, yes. I was told that I need to stay in the Vault overnight… So, that’s where I was heading.”

“You do realize that it is no longer night, don’t you? A new day has dawned and all the other villains returned to the Villain Vault hours ago. Except for you,” interrogatively, Krypt King points out.

Curse these Skylanders and their early bedtimes, Dr. Krankcase thinks, not used to having any semblance of a sleep schedule for as long as he can remember.

“He was with me the whole time, I can vouch for him,” Mags steps up.

“Yeah, I had a chaperone!” Dr. Krankcase says.

The spirit does not seem appeased. Krypt King likely does not trust that Dr. Krankcase would not try to overpower Mags, as he is larger and stronger than her, though Dr. Krankcase knows not to underestimate Mags, to begin with. And, after all, there is no way Krypt King would know the relationship between the two.

Sensing Krypt King’s disapproval, Dr. Krankcase flashes a pleading smile “It won’t happen again,” he assures. 

Krypt King does not say anything for a while, which makes Dr. Krankcase nervous. It is impossible to know what the spirit is thinking. 

He looks to Mags for reassurance as she stands her ground.

Finally, Krypt King responds, “I will let you go this time, Dr. Krankcase, since it is your first day here. But I urge you to be more careful in the future. We do not ask much of you villains here. I would not want to revoke your privileges if we begin to wonder if you are trustworthy.”

“Yes, sir,” Dr. Krankcase says politely, giving a small bow, as this conversation reminds him of kowtowing to Golden Queen.

“Follow me,” Krypt King orders seriously.

Dr. Krankcase nods, but he hesitates before walking with the Trap Master. He turns to Mags. “Thank you for showing me around today, I really appreciate it…” he adds, “my friend.”

Mags smiles. “Can I have something before ya go?”

“What is it?” the doctor asks. Mags extends her arms and Dr. Krankcase stares at her in confusion.

“A hug, Doctor. Don’t tell me ya forgot about those too,” Mags quips.

“Oh that- right. I didn’t know you meant… Uhm, yes okay,” Dr. Krankcase stammers. 

Mags chuckles, and the two friends embrace. It is a bit awkward at first, but Dr. Krankcase manages to shift his front legs out of Mags’ way. When was the last time anyone had been this close to him? The feeling is unusual to Dr. Krankcase… 

“Mags, I’ve missed you,” whispers Dr. Krankcase.

With a light sigh, Mags responds, “I missed ya too.”

The two say their goodbyes for the night. Dr. Krankcase cannot help but beam; he could not have expected the day to go any better and now, he has a glimmer of hope that there will be more days like this now that he has given up villainy. The doctor feels… happy, and warm.

After Mags turns to go back inside, Dr. Krankcase catches up with Krypt King, who stands beside the Villain Vault with his arms crossed, ready to summon a Tech Trap to securely contain the mad inventor until daylight. However, Dr. Krankcase does not feel trapped here now.


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