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Ember Island Ladies

Chapter 6: Boiling


The heat is on

Chapter Text

Lu Ten’s back was pressed into the corner, his heart racing, his breath sparking.

“The Fire Lord might want to calm his breathing if he plans to keep going.”

Right, right. Sparking like an awkward teenager was a bit more of a vexation when the person kissing you wasn’t a firebender. Also, of course, Lu Ten was a master bender of 28 years with a mind like cold steel. Sparking like an awkward teenager was therefore unacceptable. Granted, so, also, was being cornered by a massive earthbender, even if guards were just outside the suite.

Even for Lu Ten, who’d had his share of discreet fun, this level of inappropriate behavior was delightfully unprecedented.

He did calm his breathing, though. And just as his scarred jawline brushed against a velvet beard… there was a knock at the door.

Well, at least his shirt was on. “Yes?” Lu Ten called as The Boulder backed off reluctantly.

Aunt Ursa came in. “Hello. Sorry if I’m interrupting.”

“No trouble at all, Aunt Ursa.” In that she and her concerns should be prioritized over Lu Ten’s recreation. “How can I help you?”

“I wanted to know why you changed the holding-cell lunch schedule.”

Lu Ten was puzzled. “I don’t recall doing so.”

And The Boulder was already walking out of the room without so much as a by-your-leave, and Lu Ten was exceedingly in favor of this.


‘Royal Beach House

Ember Island


Dear Zuko, Mai, Aang, Toph, Cute Guy, Cute Guy’s Sister, and Cute Guy’s Girlfriend:

If somebody used weird research during the comet to unbalance the spirit world, that would be bad, right?

Maybe Aang should come back to Capital City.


Don’t tell Azula I wrote this.


Ty Lee.’


Everyone was on Appa in 10 minutes.


They'd gotten him out when he'd already eaten, so Azula was now sitting deep in the catacombs, watching her father sleep. His muscles were still clearly atrophied. She and Ty Lee could hold him off, if it came to it, if he grew angry with her. 

If not ... maybe it could work. Maybe they could find something that worked. Maybe Azula could have it all.

Series this work belongs to: