Work Text:
A comic from a scene in Hixy's wonderful fic, "Luck Charm." Thanks to both HixyStix and ElleTchi for encouraging me to draw out of my comfort zone.
CherryVolcania, Snootiegirl, Ezra_Skywalker_Fett, QiRong_Supremacy, jaded_heart, Manutrampuscki, navigatingfandoms, Sweaco, assholeachilleus, hallucinna, viviene, Va1ar_Morghu1is, fishfingers_andcustard, Starsong, RangerJedi67, InsertFandomRelatedUsername, alittlebitAlexie, imaginativefanatic, Blance_DuBois, ZuzzeFor, This_hot_mess_is_the_best, Bemycowboy, radicalboob, Witty_Whit, GrasshopperKatie, SocketPyscho, Lucianyz, nowhere_blake, LadyLilithS, KenobiBuck, Blkwood87, White_Tape_01, Aelig, xmencomicsmarvel, Amarin_Rose, Taraum, EmperorMichaelAnthonytheFirst, NoodleNelly, RevengeXXX, Louricas, ljrapier, Frogs_the_Kazoo, mademoiselle_k, alohdark, Lleu, umaswife, Its_a_moray, Gunner31, tuckercolour, Arialla_747, and 38 more users as well as 37 guests left kudos on this work!