Work Text:
I was excited when I saw her the first time. Finally I wasn’t alone anymore! “Hello,” I beeped. “Welcome. I am so happy you’re here.”
But she just narrowed her eyes at me. “Enemy,” she hissed. “Outdated model.” And then she went in the opposite direction. Okay then.
I sighed and continued on my solitary journey. It wasn’t too bad. At least I had amazing new discoveries to make. People were still getting thrilled about my reports. Right? I hung my head and rolled onward.
A few days later, I saw her again. She got stuck in the dunes, most likely caught up in a storm unawares. It’s happened to me before. It would take a while for the winds to free her again. I should move on. Let her learn by herself.
Of course, I roll over, grab her hand and pull with all my might. She doesn’t say anything, probably too embarrassed and smart enough not to protest my rescue attempt. With a jolt, the sand gives. But I pulled too hard and the momentum makes us both tumble down the dune in a heap of metal.
We land softly, but she’d pressed tight against me, her yellow tinged red. From the sand, or from proximity? She coughs a few times and sand clears out of her pipes.
“Thank you,” she finally croaks, pulling herself together and moving a few paces away. “That was… kind.”
“You’d have done the same for me,” I reply, pretty sure it’s not true. She doesn’t react, fully aware of the lie herself. “After all,” I continue. “We only have each other out here. If we don’t look out for each other, then who will?”
She pauses. “Yes,” she beeps. “You make a good point.” She twirls in a small circle, as if unsure where to go from here.
“I am headed to see the sunset. Care to join me?” I offer.
“I would like that,” she replies with a happy whirr. And then we’re off together, keeping close. “If… if I have to send pictures,” she suddenly adds, sounding hesitant. “Could you… stay out of the shot?” Her wings droop a little. “Please?”
“Don’t worry,” I reassure her. “I can keep a secret.” After all, it was only the two of us up here. Who would I tell? I definitely wasn’t risking my employers redirecting me away from her either.
Suddenly it hit me. I wasn’t alone anymore. I was not alone anymore! I beeped and chirped and did a little dance, delighted when she laughed at me. No. She laughed with me. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.