Work Text:
Colin snaps a photograph of sleeping Pen.
A quick doodle based on the incredible multi-chapter fic "The 1" by Tama.
Hope you like it!
Bobbynashandelliotstablerswifey, hfce, byebyelullabye, bromfieldhall, DamnPermanentReverie, Mulan2000, marshz, dilf_alert, juliadelg, febercastell, Sunshinebingo, Thefabulousfab3, Queenfirefly, Peachi, barbaragordon, abstercadabra, Lytebrytehybrid, Hia05A, Seamirrors, EloTheSilentOne, bri_09, Hexadecimalrebooted, Myuteuluv3, dellaslovinlife4L, lutrolia, Oatis, WanSue, angelbaby2361, SilentDaisy, Eternal_Olicity, static_wavesmx, TinaMarie90, Plantlover05, mamamogreen, Sunflower_Bloom, lettersbyboo, DaayChrystinne, Kitty_Maria09, Wolfgirl90, riri99999, ADS_Likes_Salamanders, Ainsleejupiter, Rhon, random00b, CVHsQuill, PenFeather, LilAlex13, panxpd, PaoleVirgus, Mafan494, and 68 more users as well as 78 guests left kudos on this work!