Chapter Text
Not a update sorry.
but wanted to let people know that Skylarium did a fic based on this that just updated today. For people who want to check it out.
Not a update sorry.
but wanted to let people know that Skylarium did a fic based on this that just updated today. For people who want to check it out.
Verdinonsese, Kaia_Aloven, HenryMorgan_meets_SherlockHolmes, DefinitelyNotIndecisive, FlurpLaDerp, ACheeryTurtle, scoopdewoop, TheShmarg, Wxlfix, andrewsgoodsoup, onthefloorsobbing, WhenCatsFly, sirensunrise, AndyInAMug, AbsenceLuminous, SylviaSybil, MidnightMarvelShazam, ArcaneCougar, RoosterWhale, Cosmiclattetiger, just_keep_scr0lling, Sayori_nakamuura100, Bonuscat, TigerAkemi1, Redsparrow12, Opulent_Wolf, Marianne0610, Gavalin, ThousandsOfBears, MakingLemonade, waywren, sumersprkl, jccarter, Cetotris, bloodybutunbowed, RoyallyFeralWrites, JackMalvado69, Miranda007, shaegal, cowarddragon, SATURN0RBIT, paleojen, MarchHase424, ShenYin, Chicchan, Finding_Hope, ClownSchoolGraduate, Wishingstar11, DontTellMe, davos_the_one_true_king, and 1760 more users as well as 1041 guests left kudos on this work!