Work Text:
lumine swings her feet in the air. she has one of the best views, on top of the feiyun commerce building (she winces, a silent apology to xingqiu). the fireworks go off, the last of the lanterns leave people's hands, and all that lumine can think of is -
…how much aether would have loved it here.
her brother was always the more sociable one. all the street vendors hawking their wares, the children running and screaming their way across the harbor, the families walking in tight-knit bundles down the street - aether would have grinned, grabbed her hand, and dragged her into the midst of chaos without a second thought. they'll have the future, of course, lumine refuses to think otherwise, but -
she hugs her knees to her chest, suddenly thankful that paimon had flown off in search of…something. maybe this was a sign she should be heading back -
"lumine! it is you!"
"amber?" she repeats out loud, raising her head to confirm that, yes, that is the outrider of the knights of favonius. in liyue. "amber…what - "
"am I doing here? well!"
amber flops down right next to lumine, shoulders pressed against hers, and smiles. "I always try to visit liyue around this time. my grandpa was from here, y'know, and I wanna pay my respects to that side of the family, and…"
amber trails off, staring into the distance. lumine suddenly feels awful.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to - "
"no, no, it's alright! it was a long time ago, and I still miss him, but it's better now, a lot better. but you," amber pushes lumine playfully, "you look like you're going through it just as badly. anything I can do?"
lumine hesitates - shakes her head. "no…I don't think there is. I've just got to find my brother, and that's all there is. I don't think it'll get better until then."
amber places a hand face-up on the rooftop, an open invitation. lumine sets a hand down gingerly, lacing their fingers together - and amber squeezes it once, not enough to hurt but just enough to remind lumine that she's alive, she's here, and amber is by her side.
amber, who looks up at lumine like she's the only sight worth seeing in teyvat and grins with all the radiance of the sun.
"do you wanna tell me about him? I'll tell you about my grandpa, too, it can be a trade!"
a trade.
lumine thinks she can do that. so she opens her mouth and takes a deep breath and -