Work Text:
Minseok yawns, reaching his arms up to stretch. He’d been working on his music theory proposal for what felt like hours— and after a quick check of the clock, he was right. Not that he was too surprised; after all, his coffee had long gone cold. Soon, the cafe he’d been settled in would close and he hated to be that Rude CustomerTM that stayed past their welcome. So with another yawn, he began to pack up his things.
“Leaving already hyung?” Jongin, the cafe’s resident heartthrob, asks. After Minseok’s many study sessions here, the two had developed an easy familiarity which was further strengthened after they discovered their shared love of dance. When Minseok wasn’t swamped with grad school deadlines, the two usually had a weekly dance-class-date at the local recreation center.
“I think I’ve seen too many chords, my brain is going all fuzzy,” Minseok whines, passing his empty plate to Jongin. Jongin’s eyes soften, and he gently pats the top of Minseok’s head, ruffling his light brunette hair. “You got this hyung, I believe in you.”
Minseok smiles, fighting the yawn threatening to escape again. “Thanks Nini, I’ll see you tomorrow.” With a final wave, Minseok steps out into the cold winter air and starts down the familiar path to the bus station. As he does, he pulls out his phone to read all of the notifications he missed: Three emails (ignore), IG follow requests from a hztttao (a few mutuals and a cute profile pic? approved) and two which are promptly deleted, a new Hinge match (marked for later), several texts from the group chat Baekhyun had made, and somehow even more messages from his best friend, Luhan.
From: The Best Flute Blower XD
wanna get dinner w me (4:05 pm)
i know u have notifs on ur laptop DONT USEE THE NUMBER GOING UP{
fuck u im getting dinner w kris. (5:17 pm)
At this, Minseok half chuckles aloud as he enters the covered bus stop.
To: The Best Flute Blower XD
as ur best friend i think i feel obligated to stop u from getting dinner w ur ex. (5:59 pm)
From: The Best Flute Blower XD
oh so NOW u respond huh?
best friends dont respond three HUNDRED hours later
To: The Best Flute Blower XD
some people have to study >.<
From: The Best Flute Blower XD
late dinner at 8 ? we can get drinks w baek after
[liked by Tan’s Hot Owner]
Minseok gives a final shake of his head as he pockets his phone and joins the line into the bus. Since it was a later bus, there were more office workers than usual. Minseok bites his nail, trying to peek around the freakishly tall person in front of him, wondering where one could work with bright rainbow hair like that. He’s just about to ask when the line surges into the bus, and soon Minseok is smushed up against a well-dressed man near the back. He’s not totally uncomfortable— he’s been in more crowded buses, but it’s been a while — and he remembers why he avoids these commuter buses. Not only was it more packed, but there were more stops until the one closest to his apartment. Sighing, he pulls out his Airpods and pops them in. Hopefully some TVXQ would make this commute a little better…
Wrong. Just as Minseok is about to relax in his chair, a heavy weight drops onto his shoulder. Looking down in alarm, Minseok realizes that the man next to him had already fallen asleep ON HIM?? Usually, Minseok is an avid fan of personal space, but something about this man is intriguing. Maybe it was his cat-like features: strong, upturned eyebrows, even in sleep; plump, pinkish lips; soft wavy hair; angled cheekbones; and delicate hands that lay folded across his lap.
To: The Best Flute Blower XD
this cuye yuy just fellasleep.on mu shoulder kmg. ???
It’s hard to type without moving his arm as to not jostle the peaceful man. Thankfully, Luhan was the king of reading poorly read texts as he also governed the Land of Poorly Sent Texts.
From: The Best Flute Blower XD
omg get his number when he wakes up
To: The Best Flute Blower XD
wtf bow
From: The Best Flute Blower XD
idk ur hot
Minseok rolls his eyes at that. Just because someone fell asleep on him didn’t mean they liked him. Or even swung his way. Thankfully, before Minseok could get lost in a spiral of self-deprecating thoughts, the bus lurched to a stop, slamming passengers into the fronts of their seats. Despite his distracted mind, Minseok’s fast reflexes were wide awake, and his arms shout out to effectively block Cat Guy from hitting his head. Except now that meant Cat Guy was awake and cradled amongst Minseok’s arms (which should be everyone’s dream tbh).
Cat Guy blinked. Minseok gaped.
Then, “oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t—“
“did I fall asleep i am SO—“
Both of them cut of their apologies with awkward laughs. Cat Guy elected to speak again first.
“I’m so sorry for falling asleep on you, it’s been a long day clearly. Thank you so much for letting me…?” He trails off, looking at Minseok expectantly.
“I’m Minseok, and no worries. I didn’t want to move you because you looked so comfortable.”
And cute, Minseok thinks.
Jongdae laughs suddenly, bright and loud.
Oh no. Had Minseok said that out loud?
“Yes,” Jongdae laughs. Minseok flushes a bright pink, all the way to the tip of his ears. He’s about to refute his claim, make an excuse for his inappropriate comment when— “It’s okay, I think you’re cute too, Minseok-sshi.”
Minseok world flips. Looks like he’d start having to take the 6:15 bus more often.