Work Text:
Savage Lamifications
Author’s Note: A prequel to my fic, “Fangsgiving” ( Enjoy the story and R&R.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to or of the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s series.
Pairing: Background Rua x Rally.
Misty Lola employs Rally Dawson as her assistant during a fashion show in Neo Domino City.
“I’m sorry this is so last minute. Shuru-chan wasn’t feeling very well this morning, and you’re about her size, so…”
Rally Dawson lifted his arms up so the fitters could take measurements with their measuring tape and poke pins in the spots requiring alterations. “It’s fine! I’m happy to do it!”
“Not many boys leaping to make a mark in this business. Fewer expecting to wear the clothes themselves. I’ll admit, when Aki-san phoned and put in a word for you for the job, I had my own biased expectations.”
“I’m a trailblazer, yo!”
“That you are,” Misty chuckled genially. “In my industry, there are just certain…stereotypes, I guess you’d call them. You’re quite masculine for someone who enjoys dresses, and I mean that in a positive light, of course.”
“Satellite isn’t the best place to put up your hair and chitchat about the things rich people like. Ruka lent me her mom’s magazines to look through though, when I’m not working with the guys. Rua sticks his tongue out at that stuff, but he can’t exactly pick and choose the parts he loves or hates about me.”
“I’m sure it has nothing to do with him feeling threatened by your friendship with his sister,” she joked. “You’re so…comfortable inside your skin. After a career of changing in and out of what others would have me wear, shedding how they see me from one gig to the next, I envy that.”
“Is that why you play a Reptile Deck? Rua said you play them.”
“I suppose it is. Reptiless monsters are models too, you know.”
“Reptiless monsters are models?” Rally’s eyebrow rocketed.
Misty leaned down and showcased her cards to him since he couldn’t use his hands. “Take a glance. They’re not all curvaceous cover models, but they do dress stylishly.”
The monsters besides Servant and Gardna, anyway.
“We’re done here, Rally-kun.” The fitters backed off. “Thanks for bearing through it.”
“How do I look?” he asked Misty.
“Like you could be the world’s top model yourself.”
Rally blushed. “Nah, you’ve already tied that up.”
“Shall we send him a headshot and get his opinion?”
“Rua? Like I said, Rua’s not really into this sort of thing…”
“Honesty is important if we’re seeking feedback. A brother as determined to protect his sister as him, I presume he’d care as much for you. As you say, he can’t pick and choose what he loves or hates about you. He has to love all of you.”
“Do you have a brother or sister, Misty?”
“I had a little brother. Toby. Around your age when he passed. Energetic, like you.”
Rally didn’t go down the expectable road of expressing condolences. As he was an orphan and she lost Toby while he was young, they’d both experienced adversity, and there was an understanding between them that no such pity was necessary.
“I bet he’d be proud of his older sister if he were here today! I know I would!”
“You think?” Misty touched her watery eyes. “I hope so.”