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With Ahsoka and Captain Rex in the Halls of Healing, the senior members of the 501st want to send them a little something. They need help figuring out exactly what.


Hey everyone! This is a companion one shot to chapter 12 of my main fic Guilty, but you don't really need to read that first to read this one. All you need to know is that Rex and Ahsoka have been injured and are on bedrest. This was a lot of fun to write, after the angst that's happening in Guilty, and I hope you enjoy!

Mando'a translations at the end!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Hey everyone! This is a companion one shot to chapter 12 of my main fic Guilty, but you don't really need to read that first to read this one. All you need to know is that Rex and Ahsoka have been injured and are on bedrest. This was a lot of fun to write, after the angst that's happening in Guilty, and I hope you enjoy!

Mando'a translations at the end!

Padme sat at her desk and tapped impatiently with her finger. She glared at the stacks of datapads and flimsi. She loved her position, she truly did, but sometimes it grated her how much inane nonsense she was called on to read. She was also too nice; she shouldn't have agreed to read over several junior senators' proposals.

She called one of her attendants and was about to ask for a hand with the proposals when her door chimed. She looked at the door. She couldn't decide if she was grateful or annoyed at the interruption. She supposed it would depend on who was at the door.

"I'll get it." Padme told her attendants.

Maybe if it was someone like Tarkin, Padme could let off some steam by telling him what she really thought, with several choice words learned from Anakin.

Perhaps not. It felt good to pretend.

The visitor, or visitors, were far more pleasant than what she had expected.

Four clones in 501st blue stood awkwardly on her doorstep. Three hung back, masked by their helmets but clearly apprehensive. The leader stood forward, holding his helmet nervously in his hands.

"Hello, boys." Padme said. "Fives, isn't it?"

"Er, yes, ma'am." Fives said.

He shifted in place, seemingly unsure what to do. The other three clones huddled like children watching their brave friend ask their parent for more blue milk ice cream.

"What can I do for you?" Padme prompted.

"Are you going to see Commander Tano today?" Fives asked.

"I was planning on going in a couple of hours. Why?" Padme said.

Fives fidgeted again.

"Well, ma'am, we were thinking, the boys, I mean, and we wanted to send something up to the Commander, let her know we've been thinking about her and that we miss her."

Padme blinked as Fives continued.

"And the Captain's done being dunked, sorry, I mean out of the bacta tank, so we thought we'd send something to him too."

The other three clones nodded in agreement.

"The only problem is, we don't know what folks usually send to people in medical." Fives said with a scrunched brow. "We were hoping, seeing as you're close with her and the general, that you could pick something out for us. We'd pay, of course."

Fives reached into a pocket and pulled out a handful of credits.

Padme looked down at that pitiful pile of credits and a lump came to her throat. Clones weren't paid, only given a small stipend for leave. Every credit was a precious commodity for them. Had they all chipped in with their meager supply to get Ahsoka something?

"How about this?" Padme said. "You boys come with me to the market and we can pick some flowers out for Ahsoka and Rex."

Fives blinked.

"I don't know if that'd be appropriate, ma'am." He said.

"Nonsense." Padme said. "Come in and wait just a moment."

The four clones shuffled in. Clones weren't an uncommon sight around Padme, but these four managed to looked as out of place as a Rancor at Theed Palace.

Anakin had told her his men were chatty, but now these boys were completely quiet as she gave instructions to her attendants.

"Come on!" She said and they obediently followed her.

"Er, ma'am, we didn't bring a speeder." Fives said quietly.

"You walked?" Padme asked, aghast.

"Yes, ma'am." Fives said.

"We should be able to get you into mine, if you don't mind a squeeze." Padme said with a sigh.

"You've never been in a clone barracks after a battle, have you ma'am?" One of the others piped up. He had a large Republic cog painted on his helmet. "We're good at squishing."

The upper scale market place wasn't too far from her office. Fives sat up front and the other three scrunched in the back with no complaint.

"Please leave your helmets in the speeder, boys." Padme told them as they landed.

The clones looked at each other.

"Ma'am?" Fives asked.

"I don't want to feel like I have a security detail." Padme said. "This is us getting a present for a friend."

Slowly they removed their helmets and placed them reverently in the back seat.

"And I'm sorry, please remind me of your names." Padme apologized. "I know you mostly from stories from your General."

"I'm Jesse, ma'am." The bald clone said. He had a cog matching his helmet on half his face.

"Yes, the ARC in training. Anakin is very proud of you." Padme said.

Jesse blinked and grinned at the ground.

"I'm Kix." The next in line said.

He had very short hair shaved in a complex pattern and words tattooed on his temple.

"The best medic in GAR, from what I've heard." Padme said.

Kix rubbed at the back of his head.

"A bit of an exaggeration, ma'am." He said with a sheepish smile.

"Tup, ma'am." The clear youngest said. He had a mane of wild, curly hair and a single teardrop tattooed under his cheek. He was almost hiding behind his brothers.

"Anakin's said you're one of the best up and coming troopers." Padme said.

Tup blushed and smiled shyly.

"I'm afraid to hear what the General's said about me." Fives said as they walked into the bustling market place.

"That there's no trooper more after his own heart." Padme told him.

Fives beamed.

Padme took the lead. She knew of a lovely flower shop that was run by a friend of Bail's. After a few minutes the trailing troopers began ribbing on each other. Tup was especially the focus of the gibes. His hair was apparently a subject of contention.

"All I'm saying, vod'ika, is that it would make life easier if you cut it!"

"I like it this long."

"It just seems impractical-"

"You're one to talk, Kix!"

"don't have to take the time to put it up for every battle!"

"Or worry about having enough hair ties or it coming loose during a battle."

"Or losing your brush. Honestly, vod, you're the only one in the 501st with a hairbrush."

"And then we wouldn't have to deal with your hair being everywhere."

"And finding hair ties in our boots. How did that happen?"

Padme glanced back. Tup was grinning, but Padme could see he was tired of the teasing.

"I think your hair is beautiful, Tup." She said with a smile.

She caught a glimpse of Tup's wide eyes and red face before turning back to focus on where she was going.

"Th-thank you ma'am!" He stammered.

The topic didn't come up again.

They entered the shop and all four clones froze. Their eyes widened as they stared at the menagerie of colors.

"I didn't know there were so many types of flowers in the galaxy!" Tup whispered.

The owner gave them a smile before going back to help another customer.

"Are you sure we should get Rex flowers, ma'am?" Fives asked after a moment.

"It's traditional to send loved ones flowers when they're ill or injured." Padme told him.

"Ah, okay." Fives said.

"Maybe we should get him something else." Jesse said, sounding worried.

"Like what? What does Rex even like?"


"No." Kix said firmly.

"Maybe we could do his paperwork for him."

"I'm already doing that." Jesse grumbled.

"Flowers will be fine, boys." Padme assured them.

"Er, how exactly do we-" Fives asked, looking at the multitude of flowers.

"Just pick out the flowers you like." Padme said. "I'm sure Ahsoka would love a bouquet you all made."

They split off, examining their choices. Padme watched as Kix, with some help from Tup, carefully constructed a bouquet of blues, whites, and oranges that matched Ahsoka's skin and markings exactly. He even added a few splashes of maroon that reminded Padme of Ahsoka's favorite dress. She also watched Kix's consternation as Jesse and Fives cheerfully added handfuls of brightly colored flowers that clashed magnificently with Kix's beautiful creation.

"I'm sorry, Kix." Padme muttered to him as Fives and Jesse ran off again for more additions. "It really was gorgeous."

Kix gave a shrug.

"The commander'd probably like this better anyway."

"That should do it!" Fives said cheerfully, adding a final bright purple blossom to the mess. "Now for the Captain."

"Let's just do blue and white for him." Kix said.

Jesse and Fives agreed heartily. Within a few minutes another, smaller and far less chaotic bouquet had been created. It still had as many different kinds of flowers as they could find in the right colors.

Fives and Jesse approached the counter, their arms full of flowers.

"Would you like vases for those?" The owner asked.

Padme appreciated that the man looked the clones in the face and had a polite tone in his voice.

"Yes, please." Jesse said after a nod from Padme.

The owner smiled and began the arduous process of figuring out the cost. Padme thought the clones might have gotten one of every type of flower in the store.

Fives' grin wilted as the owner told him the price after about five minutes.

"We'll have to put some of these back." He mumbled.

Padme stepped forward and placed her credit chip on the counter.

"Ma'am we can't let you-" Jesse immediately protested.

"They'll be from all of us." Padme said. "You did the hard work of picking them out."

"If you're sure-"

"Yes, Fives." Padme said.

All four clones lit up with gratitude.

"Thank you, ma'am." Fives said.

They left with their flowers. This time Padme walked with them, which seemed to sober them a little. At least, until Jesse spotted a puddle and splashed Kix.

"Jesse!" Kix scolded. "I'm holding the flowers, you di'kut!"

Jesse, Fives, and Tup just laughed. Padme was suddenly aware of how child-like they were sometimes.

"How old are you boys?" Padme asked after Kix had sworn revenge when Jesse least expected it.

"Me and Kix are twelve." Jesse said.

"I'm twelve and a third." Fives said smugly, earning a kick from Jesse.

"Just turned eleven, ma'am." Tup said.

Padme's heart sank at their answers. They were so young. Their eagerness, teasingand wonder reflected their true ages. And yet they were the best soldiers the Republic could have.

"I'll drop you back at the barracks and the go straight to the Jedi temple." Padme told them as they reached the speeder.

"Thank you, ma'am." Fives said quietly. "For everything."

The other three murmured agreements.

"Of course, boys." Padme said. "It was my pleasure."

Padme was eager to get to the temple to see Ahsoka's reaction and even more eager to return to her office. More than ever, Padme was determined to create legislation for the clones. It was the least she could do.


Fives peeked into the barracks. He hadn't seen Tup since they'd gotten back from their shopping trip.

"Vod'ika, you in here?" He asked.

"I'm here." Tup said from his bunk.

Fives made his way to Tup's bunkside. Tup was on his back, staring at the underside of the bunk above. His hair was still loose, and he had his fingers tangled in it.

"You think she meant it, ori'vod?" Tup asked.


"Senator Amidala. About my hair."

Fives grinned and reached out to give his vod'ika a few strokes on the head.

"'Course she did. You've got the nicest hair in the 501st."

Fives did like Tup's hair. It was just too easy to tease him about it.

"She's really pretty, isn't she?" Tup said, eyes still distant.

"Uh oh, Tup. You can't have a crush on Senator Amidala." Fives said.

"Why not?" Tup protested, sitting up. "I mean I don't, but would it be so bad?"

"She's the General's-"

Fives wiggled his hand in the air. They all weren't sure what exactly the Senator was to the General, but they sure weren't just friends.

"We don't know for sure!" Tup said. "And I don't have a crush on her. She's just pretty. And kind. And generous. And she cares about clones."

Tup trailed away and flopped back down on his bunk, staring up again.

Sure, vod'ika. Fives thought. No crush at all.


vod'ika: little brother, used in this context as special younger brother

di'kut: idiot

ori'vod: older brother, used in this context as special older brother

As evidenced by the deleted Bad Batch scenes, there were clones who definitely had a crush on Padme. I have decided that Tup was one of them. I decided to take the 'Tup is baby' route with his character this time around and it really attached me to him. Tup is adorable and should be protected. His hair is definitely a source of teasing for him, but they all secretly think he's the prettiest. It's always fun to write the fish out of water perspective for clones and I really tried to show how young they really are.

As always, wear your masks unless you're vaccinated, remember to review, and have a great few weeks!



vod'ika: little brother, used in this context as special younger brother

di'kut: idiot

ori'vod: older brother, used in this context as special older brother

As evidenced by the deleted Bad Batch scenes, there were clones who definitely had a crush on Padme. I have decided that Tup was one of them. I decided to take the 'Tup is baby' route with his character this time around and it really attached me to him. Tup is adorable and should be protected. His hair is definitely a source of teasing for him, but they all secretly think he's the prettiest. It's always fun to write the fish out of water perspective for clones and I really tried to show how young they really are.

As always, wear your masks unless you're vaccinated, remember to review, and have a great few weeks!

Series this work belongs to: