Chapter Text
Go check out Still Wanted for a time stamp with Dom Castiel and Sub Dean!
This is just to notify those who subscribed there is a bonus fic called Still Wanted. It is posted as part of a series for the ‘verse. It’s listed as the previous work cause I set it up wrong, but it is not a prequel!
Go check it out for a sexy time stamp!
Go check out Still Wanted for a time stamp with Dom Castiel and Sub Dean!
jacentric, slutty_waffles, too_many_fandoms03, StellaDupree, MissAngelMuffin, takethehint, HunterPie, Missannie58, bazylysk, TravelingMystery, Pokeroo, ampb, Beloved_nalla, Darvah, Kisses4kazz, Bells101, Dels79, Lilythetravellingturtle, nessafrog, ninastrangeshrimp_13, acesandapricots, magickmoons, Imsoglad56, jitterbug0, Usagi_Friend, malelover, LittleB33, Fallen4Destiel, Senaena, brittaniansun, Wandering_Wyvern, tess47, Ecateread, torragan, Sadboihournow69, Rumblebe, MorgueAnn, TRRShipsIt, dicklessthewonderclown, Saveourcas, Destielgirl92, icouldgowithyou, Thechill, luvliz22, siberia_eva, WingTapestry, Mary_StoHelit, HDub, keerigen, Badgergriff, and 549 more users as well as 223 guests left kudos on this work!