Chapter Text
Electrical was cold and daegnerous. Her tasks were necessary for the compleatuibng on the mission. She new she ah tto do it. Green didn’t want to be punished by bestie!ewon musk owo. Seh waddled in her green legs swinging. She shes a shadow move in the dim ly lit conrer. It was a sexy silhouette round and hot, remindes her of her gf. Mmmmmmmmmm. Oh wait!!!! Its her!! She runs and grabs her round waist and flings her. She licks and kisses her, melting her hard shell. Wow shes sure was hard!. Then it happened. Her worst fear. The.
Imposter OH NO
She stretches her long tongue so strong. The saliva felt like cum on her insides. Al though it was so hot it was painful.then oh no not agin, she task of her mask and she sees him it is dream. maskvideo!Dream was the imposter . he was ugly, nowonder he wears a mask. No wonder jorge didnt love him back. Brown screamed and cryed and pissed her pants. But maskvideo!Dream was into that. Maskvideo!Dream took out a gun. “I fucking hate gay people” he said and shot green 27 times.
“dnf is real” the words escaped her lips as she takes her final breath on this planet. Seh wishes that she could be next to her suitor, but alsa she would die alone. *wimpers* “Thats wbjhat the point of the mask is” dream said before scuttling away into the vents.
OH SHIT btown screamed as she say the sexy bot hot smutty dead body of her beloved. She risehd to thr cafeteria, blood pumping in her candy bean shaped body.
She slammed her fist on the emergency meeting button
WEEWOOOWEEEWOOOWOWWOOOOWEEWOOWEEEE the sirens began, oh shit the police. Judy hops apears,
“Your underarresst homo.” “b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b--ut officer i didnt kill her!!!! I swear i’m innocent” judy hops pointed the gun at the lesbian. Her hands were shaking and she needed to decide. Did she want to do this? This was the last chance at proving she had morals. The tough decision, her heart raced. “Ehh no” *shoots* The end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3333