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Down Deeper Art Post
It’s just a few weeks after Florida, and all the things that he hadn’t told Dean about, and they’re already back hunting a ghost in an abandoned mine in Nevada like nothing’s changed. Sam doesn’t want to let Dean out of his sight for a second, and Dean’s already grumbling about it because he doesn’t know why Sam’s being so weird.
Onewingedangel1103, Villarino, ElizaRenae, Purell, onebrightmoment, mobiusxx, xotica, Karensa, girllovesgirl, 2vampiresarebetterthan1, ljubavii, Chr1st1an, Run_Me_My_Money, Predisposed, Melanese, undesirable, sentient, kdykens, infinite_denial, Ayana13, TheGreenestGreenToEverGreen, candygramme, Dmoorepebbles, 1701kirk, MorpheusNoir, and afternoon_delight as well as 6 guests left kudos on this work!