Collections including 2.Greed
1 Collection
List of Collections
Our theme this year is Lost Moments: times we didn’t see in the films.
Sun, 20 June: Traveling to the Shire
Mon, 21 June: After the Stone Giants
Tues, 22 June: Staying with Beorn
Wed, 23 June: Mirkwood Prison
Thurs, 24 June: Night time in Dale/Laketown/Thereabouts
Fri, 25 June: Before the Battle
Sat, 26 June: : After the Five ArmiesPlease tag all associated posts with #fikiweek2021 and everything will be reblogged here on @gatheringfiki!
There aren’t rules here, guys, save that this is FiKi only - respond to the prompt in whatever way you wish, and have fun!
(Open, Unmoderated)