Work Text:
Here are the things that are said about Boromir of Gondor:
“It was such a shame that he died. I always did like him, you know, and gods knows, Denethor liked him a good sight better than his other son.”
“In the end, he was a hero, really. Consider that! Gondor’s own hero.”
“Simply tragic, indeed, what happened to him. I met him once, d’you know, and offered him my services. He turned me away, but never told me why. Wouldn’t that have been a fine thing, though? To have fucked a hero? Though I suppose you can be enough of a hero for me tonight.” A giggle turns into a moan.
“A fine young man, though he always seemed like he was hiding something. Never knew what, exactly, and I s’pose he’s taken it to the grave with him. A shame, really.”
“In Minas Tirith, they call Boromir a hero, but he was no hero. Boromir of Gondor was only a man, and in the end he died like the rest of the men in the war.” Pen scratches sharply on parchment.
“He should have survived. I should have seen my brother again. I should have gone in his stead — ”
“There is nothing you can do, Faramir. Boromir is dead.”
And here are the things that Boromir of Gondor never got to say:
“Run, Pippin and Merry! Run fast and never let them catch you!”
“Frodo, with all my heart, I am sorry. The Ring’s curse was stronger — I could not resist.”
“Legolas, Gimli, would you shut up.” A weary sigh.
“Why must you have gone so quickly, Gandalf? Without you I am lost.”
“Samwise, take good care of Frodo for me, for I could not, and I failed.”
“I love you, Aragorn. As foolish as it may be.”