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Chapter 7: Omake: Back From the Future!

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Author's note: Chapter post dates - 2018-01-21 (FIMFiction Dot Net), 2021-06-02 (Archive Of Our Own).

Omake - Back From the Future!

Walking back to Dusk's castle was definitely different this time. Unlike before when they had made some effort to be discreet, this time they were walking close to each other with ponies seeming to notice who they were and beginning to whisper to each other.

As they walked together, Blitz looked at Applejack and forced himself to think of what this could mean. Applejack, along with the the rest of the guys, were his best friends, no doubt, but she was different. Applejack was like him in a lot of ways; both enjoyed competing, they challenged each other all the time, both of them were thick headed at times, and... he did enjoy spending time with her, and if he had a choice between practicing some tricks and hanging with her, he would choose her unless he had to practice. But then again, he could always do it over her farm, or just invite her to watch him practice.

But what if they did go out, what would happen if he did something stupid and wrecked their entire friendship or destroyed what the six of them had forever? He didn't want to hurt the guys or Applejack and he was half tempted just to call it off but he had said he would try this and he didn't go back on his word.

Besides, he'd never really had a marefriend before; it just might be the same as having a mare that was a friend or something. And beyond the love making and if he had to be serious about it, all the cuddling time with her was really awemazing. Resting his head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat before he dozed off or her laying on his chest, with his wing holding her close... he would never admit it willingly but it kinda made him giddy and he was so tempted to try and hold her hand now but was unsure if it would be going too fast or she'd think he wanted something or-


"What in tarnation?!" Applejack coughed as two ponies staggered out of a strange metal box.

"Did it work, Party?" a candy apple red mare coughed some smoke, leaning on a mailbox before it snapped over, with the mare ending up on her back looking up at her and Blitz. "Dammit, no it didn't. Hi Mom, hi Dad."

"Wait, Apple Crash, look at them," her companion, an androgynous looking unicorn with a white coat and a green with bright highlights mane, wearing a mini skirt and a hoodie, replied. "They're so young looking!"

"So I did break the time barrier! YES!" The mare, Apple Crash, pumped a fist into the air.

"Wait, did you just call us Mom and Dad?" Blitz asked, his eyes going wide.

"Ummmmmm, no?" the mare lied before grabbing the unicorn and diving back into the metal box. "Quick, cheese it!"

Before either of them could react, the two ponies vanished leaving Rainbow Blitz and Applejack confused and Blitz looking like he was about to speak when Dusk called out.

"Huh, if that really was your daughter, you are now obligated to give birth to her or otherwise create a paradox that could destroy the world."

Stepping out of the DeLorean, Party Beat looked around to see if they had been caught. The pony let out a sigh of relief that their trip to the past hadn't caused any iss-

"HOLY CELESTIA!" Party shouted as Apple Crash stepped out.

"What, what's wrong?" Apple Crash asked as she stepped out of the car, taking the door with her. "My head huuuuuuu WHY DO I HAVE A HORN!?" Rubbing her new horn, Crash turned around to look at her red wings and screamed louder. "AH CRAP! I'm an alicorn and my parents are going to ask me what I did and they're going to ground me forever and as I'm an alicorn, they can!"

"Shit, you're right," Party said as they took off their shades and cleaned them on their hoodie. "As they're never going to let us hang out again, wanna make out?"

Apple Crash tilted her head and shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, why not?" she said before tackling them over with Party grinning widely, so eager to tell their dad-mums about this! Fun dad-mum would be pleased as a pegasus in front of a mirror when they told him this!