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Just Gays Being Gays


Just a cute little one shot for the first day of Pride!


Happy June 1st Everyone especially to the gays who let their rainbow flag fly high!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

“As you can see here, Bob,” the female reporter stated as the Pride Parade passed her in the background, “Floridians are celebrating their right to love and care right her in Orlando. Many cities around the state, county and world have their own Pride parades or Pride Month related activities.”

“It’s such a shame we can’t be there this year,” Roman sighed dramatically, adjusting his rainbow sash. “It seems a bit unwise especially with COVID still around. Besides Nico already got us tickets to see a Pride festival in Tampa.” Logan stated, giving his now rainbow tie a look over. “Do we have to dress up? This seems flamboyant since we are imaginary.”

Roman gasped. “Just because only Thomas can see us does not mean we can’t let him know that we’re on his side. Besides embrace the gay Lo-gay!” “Not to mention Princey wants us to dress up,” Virgil continued. “Oh my storm cloud! You look as lovely as Chris Colfer on Glee!” The anxious side went all out for June 1st - light glittery rainbow eyeshadow, rainbow tinted hair and a white jacket to bring out the rainbow patches. “Patton paid me a dollar to wear the eyeshadow.” He said, giving his boyfriend a kiss.

“Guess that means I’m late to the Pride party!” Patton cheerfully yelled, popping into the room. He wore the same polo shirt but the heart was now a metallic rainbow color and his usual hoodie was now a rainbow flag. “Supergay is here to make sure everyone here is being respectful and caring on this day of gay!” He walked up to the logical side, making him blush a little. “You look lovely, Love-gan!”

Logan blushed a red deeper than Roman’s regular sash. “I assume we’re just waiting for Remus and Janus?” “Well you know what they say about assuming, Nerdakin Skywalker. You make an ass out yourself.” Remus snickered, popping out from behind the glasses gay couple. He wore his usual sash but the rest of his outfit along with the white streak in his hair was now a loud, bright shade of rainbow. “You look amazing Remus!” Patton complimented while snickering at the pun.

“He was going to wear his birthday suit and a rainbow suit but I made him tone it down,” Janus said, walking down the sides. Roman scoffed. “YOU could have dressed up for this Janus.” “Oh?” The snake side asked. “But you see, my daring prince, I did.” He lifted his cape up to reveal the inside was designed to look like a glittery rainbow cavern. His bowler hat now had a rainbow feather with a white tip. “Deception is in the eye of the beholder.”

“You and Sir Gay A Lot just loving being extra, don’t you?” Virgil asked. Janus gave him a look. “I’m assuming you looked in the mirror.” Logan cleared his throat. “Now that everyone is here, we can proceed. Thomas has plans he can’t be late for.” “That is right, Sherlock Gay. Lead the way, my Chemically Imbalance Romance!” “Stop shouting. Barely 5 feet away from you, Ro.”

Thomas looked around the restaurant to see the table Joan and Talyn booked for lunch. Thomas, Nico, Joan, Talyn and a few of Thomas’ other LGBTQ friends decide to celebrate the first day of Pride with a lunch to kick it all off. He didn’t see his friends but he saw Nico waving to him from the ‘Please wait to be seated’ sign. The gay was wearing a floral shirt with different colored flowers and had a little gay pride flag pinned to the shirt.

“You made it!” Thomas said, giving his boyfriend a huge grin. “And miss my first Pride event with my new boyfriend?” The writer answered back, giving his fellow gay a kiss. “We’re just waiting for you. Had trouble picking out an outfit.” Thomas himself put on his “Could Be Gayer” shirt with a rainbow scarf and a rainbow heart pin over his heart. “You know the saying, gays are always fashionable late.” Thomas joked as the couple headed over to their table. “So true, mi amor. So true.”


I wrote this in 30 minutes so I could say I wrote something for Gay Day. Please feel to comment and happy Pride once again to everyone who reads this.