Chapter Text
It's been a good seven-week since he got his Nookling back. And three days since he sent out his letter to Ranboo. Though he hasn't heard a reply yet. It's been a whole two weeks since he's heard from him. Sam was getting kinda worried. But Ranboo had promised he wouldn't say anything to them. So he didn't dwell on it that much. Still, he couldn't help but worry.
But that was thinking for another day. Sam decided to put those thoughts away for now. After all, he had to get his Nookling ready for school. He got up from his desk and made his way to the bedroom door. As he entered the hallway he made his way to the room across from his. Once he opened the door he was met with a pleasant sight of his little nookling sleeping peacefully on his bed. He went towards the window and opened the curtains.
With the light of the sun now leaking into his room. Tommy started to stir awake. Sam took notice of this and made his way to his nookling. He gently started to comb through his bright strawberry blonde hair. As a way to wake him up. Tommy lean into the touch as he opened his eyes. But the sun was too bright for him and he quickly closed his eyes. Sam just chuckled at his nookling's actions.
"Tommy it's time to wake up."
But Tommy just groaned at that and turned over, having his back to Sam and to the hand that was combing through his hair.
"No!" Tommy said with a mischievous smile on his face.
Sam just shook his head as he got up. "Well, then I guess the Town School will have to live without the great Tommy Nook presence today." He said with a grin on his face as he started to leave the room. As he turned his back he could hear the shuffling of bedsheets and the little feet of his nookling.
"I'm Up! I'm Up!" Tommy said as he grabbed onto his papa's pants leg."See, see!"
Sam laughs as he picks up Tommy. "I can, how about we go eat then get ready?"
"Pancakes!" Tommy shouts with much joy.
"But we had that yesterday?" Sam says amused
"Ok, ok whatever the great Tommy Nook request."
They had quickly wrapped up Breakfast and now we're on their way to the schoolhouse in the village.
Now Sam wouldn't say he was nervous. I mean why would he. He's just sending his nookling to school. For the first time. All by himself. No one would be there to help him. Okay, yeah Sam Nook might be a bit more nervous than he would like to say. He sighs to himself as he and Tommy leave their little hotel.
Their hotel isn't far from town, just about a fifteen-minute walk. Their hotel happens to be placed by a small river that the town uses as a water source. He had already discussed how he ended up here with the mayor of the town. Thankfully he understood. And didn't question all that much how his hotel appeared overnight. It seems that the angel that transported him here dealt with it.
At first, when he had met them he had thought they weren't a God but they were merely an angel granting out a wish that their god had sent them out to do. He wondered why God themselves didn't come and grant out their wish. But he quickly learned why. During one of his daily visits to the Library in town. He found out in a book that gods weren't allowed to intervene. They had to leave it up to their angels to grant them what they desired. But only the trusted of all angels would be given such a task. The gods rarely trusted them to do so.
Sam was just glad that God trusted that angel to grant out his wish. Whoever they were. Sam just sighs to himself as he continues on their walk to town. As he does so he sees his little nookling run off ahead, chasing after a butterfly he had saw. Sam smiles to himself as he hurries up his pace to make sure he can keep his nookling insight.
It a good 5 more minutes of walking before they reach the edge of town. The townspeople who are up this early wave or greet them a Sam walks his son to school. They make their way to the schoolhouse. As they do, Sam notices the teacher standing outside the school. He grabs Tommy's hand and walks towards them.
"Hello, and who might you be little one?" The Teacher asks Tommy as she crouches down to his height.
"I'm Tommy Nook, the Biggest Man ever!" Tommy says to his teacher with glee radiating off his voice.
"Oh I see, How about you take a seat inside and we'll begin class very shortly."
"Go on, I'll be here to pick you up in a few hours," Sam says as he ruffles Tommy's hair before he runs off into the school building.
"He's very cute. How old is he?"
"Just turned six. We only moved here just recently. He hasn't gone any real education other than my home-schooling." Sam confesses rubbing the back of his neck.
"Being a single parent it's understandable. You just don't want to let them go. I'm Sally by the way. Sally Salmon." Sally says as she offers out her hand for him to shake.
"Nice to meet you, Sally, I'm Sam Nook."
They talk for a short while before Sally had to go and start class. They said their goodbyes before Sally headed inside. Sam stood there for a good while before heading into town to help some of the locals. The town and him are still trying to spread the word about their Hotel so until then he has no real work waiting for him to do at the hotel.
Sam mostly spent his day helping around the village. He helps out on the farms. Helps around at the shops and local blacksmith they have. As he helps out around the village, he couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched. Like someone was keeping their eyes on him. But as he looked around he couldn’t find anyone. It's as if they couldn’t be seen by any normal eyes. This went on for hours as he made his way around town helping out with anything anyone needed help with.
There would be times whereas he walked by the treeline or the forest by the village. He would get a glimpse at a figure in the trees. One of someone he couldn't quite put his finger on. He knows he has seen the face before, but he can't figure out where. But every time he got a glimpse of the figure he couldn't help but get a chill.
It kept bugging him to a point he lost track of time. As he quickly finished up his work at the barker's bakery. He hadn't intended to work this late into the day. Only until lunch hit. But then he saw the poor baker trying to keep his shop open well in crowded with people to get themselves some bread or treats.
He couldn't quite leave the poor man to fend for himself. So he did the on etching he do how to do. And that was to help. Afterward, the baker thank him so much that Sam thought he was saying a chant.
As he leaves the Bakey with a small treat for his nookling. He notices the time the clock tower said in its face. And as he stared at the clock face his face slowly placed as he realized what time it was.
He rushes towards the schoolhouse where he was supposed to pick up Tommy 30 minutes ago. Damn his first day without looking after Tommy and he's already forgotten to get him from school. If Sam Nook could describe how he was feeling. He'd say it was the same feeling he felt the same day he heard his little nookling was never coming back. His chest tighten as he thought of what Tommy would think of him. He didn't want to be seen as the other adults that used to be in his life. He would rather die than be seen as any of them.
As much as he was now human. The emotions he felt were always so strong. They tear at his heart, breaking it into pieces so that it could longer be mended back together. He thought that these demons wouldn't eat at his heart as he ran through the streets. But the demons did their job and ate up at his sorrows as his mind ran to unimaginable places. He didn't want his son to think of him differently.
When did that happen again? Every time he thought or spoke that word he would remember the day the angel came down from the heavens. The way they thank him for looking after the child in his arms. He wondered why the angel would thank him for what anyone else should do. But the pain he saw in her eyes he could tell why she had thanked them. For it wasn't the angel that was thanking him. It was the God that couldn't come down from the heavens. The God who had wanted this child he held to have the most happiest life ever. It was their pain he saw in the angel's eyes.
And as he neared the schoolhouse, the emotions he felt started to fade. Ever so slowly they faded as he sees his son. His son playing in the yard in front of the school. As he slowed his pace his heart stopped its fast beating. As he looked on he could see another person sitting by his nookling. But he felt no worries as he looked at the person by his son. He felt no fear as he walk closer to them with his treats in hand. He felt no ill will towards the person that sat playing with his son. He could see miss Sally talking to the stranger as they continued to play.
She was smiling and laughing at what the man was saying. Her demeanor towards the man was that of calm and collect. She didn't seem to fear nor distrust the man sitting and making flower crowns with his son. So as Sam slowed his running pace into a walk. A fond smile made its way on his face as he neared his son. For he finally could see the person who was with his son. He could see the yellow sweater that shined bright as the sun started to set. The maroon beanie that sat on his head claimed his crazed brown fluffy locks.
"Oh! Mr. Nook, you're another son here was just telling me about the long day you had. I completely understand why you are late. Just know that if this happens again I would be willing to walk Tommy home. I know it must be hard to be a single parent as I said before. But please don't be afraid to ask for help." She spoke with genuine and kindness in her voice as she took Sma by the hands and held them.
Sam looks at her with a small smile and gives her a small nod. She understands and bids her farewell for the night as she enters back into the school to clean up and prepare for tomorrow.
"You're much different than I thought you would be...."
Wilbur just simply nods as he places a finished flower crown on Tommy's head. As he does Tommy leap up from the ground and runs into his father's arms.
"Papa Papa! Look at the crown Wilby made for me." Tommy shouts aloud with great joy in his voice.
Sam laughs and picks up Tommy so that he is in his arms. He smiles at him fondly and apologies for being late. But His nookling just hugs him and smiles brightly at his father. And as he does so the feelings that were eating at his heart fully disappeared. As if they were watched away in a puddle of everlasting light. His heart that was slowly breaking into pieces again were mended and put back together. All by just the bright smile on his son's face. His son. He will always be thankful to the God who gave him back his light. And he would never tarnish that faith they gave him. Never. For he will give his son the world if he were able to.
As Wilbur looked at the scene unfolding in front of him. He couldn't help but remember a time when Phil was like that. the way he would look at him and be happy. But that was a long time ago. A time when their mother was still with them. A time that was peaceful and full of happy memories.
Wilbur stands up and takes on a final look at them before...
"...Please...I beg of you...Sam...make him happy..." He says in a whisper.
Sam looks up to look him in the face as he says those words. Wilbur makes his way to them. He ruffles Tommy's hair as he puts on a small smile. He places a soft kiss on his little brother's forehead. Sam is about to speak when as soon as he blinks Wilbur is gone. Right before his very eyes.
For It's time for Wilbur to move on. And others need the same kind of goodbye that Wilbur was so lucky to have. For He traded his peaceful life of rest in the heaven, for an eternity of work under the Goddess of Death.
"Bye-bye Wilby."
You can hear the sorrow in his voice as Tommy waves goodbye to the sky. The way his eyes change for a minute to dull sad filled eyes. Before they quickly change back to bright sky blue eyes. And Sam gives Tommy a knowing look before turning and doing the same towards the sky. As they wrap up their goodbyes they take their leave for home. For they must prepare a feast for the guest that await them.