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Lin woke up with a start. Feeling a wave of nausea, she rushed to the bathroom. Bending down quickly, she threw up whatever was in her stomach.
"Lin?" asked Tenzin having felt her get up. She didn't respond. Then he heard her and, he got up quickly, throwing the covers off. Rushing into the bathrooms after her, he bent down and, held her hair while rubbing her back.
"You should go back to bed," Lin managed to get out between her breathing.
"I'm fine," said Tenzin, continuing to rub her back. Once she started relaxing and her breathing was even, he got up and went to get a glass of water.
Lin took a few small sips. Tenzin felt her forehead.
"Do you feel sick?" Lin just stared at him.
"Like a fever or anything?" asked, Tenzin worried.
"Not before. It just happened," Lin started slowly.
"Ok," said Tenzin concern laced in his voice.
"Do you want to lay back down?" he suggested.
"Ok," Lin agreed.
Oogi flew to the island and, Lin held the bucket tightly, her knuckles turning white. Tenzin glanced back to the saddle, checking on Lin. He frowned seeing her. Bending himself to the back, he sat next to her rubbing her back.
"Breathe Lin." She nodded.
Lin had been throwing up for around a month off and on. On some days, they were a lot worse than others. She had refused to let Tenzin take her to Katara or a healer, putting it off as long as she could. It wasn't until she started getting some comments at work asking if she was ok. She was paler and had less energy for sure. Finally, after a lot of convincing, she reluctantly agreed.
Arriving at the island, Katara and Aang greeted them. Lin smiled weakly and, Katara ushered her into a healing room quickly.
"Lay down and, I'll get water." Lin complied and laid down. Katara came back with a bowl of water and, she rolled her sleeves up.
"So how long have you been feeling sick or throwing up?" asked Katara, concerned sitting on the bed next to her.
"Around a month I think." Katara's eyes widened
"You did not just say a month." Lin bit the inside of her cheeks knowing Katara was going to get mad at her.
With no response from Lin, Katara took a few deep breaths, calming herself. It was just who Lin was and, it was how Toph was. She didn't have anyone else to learn from and, she was lucky that she would at least come to her. She would have to freeze Toph or force her to let her look at her most times.
"Ok," started Katara slowly... "Have you seen another healer at all?" Lin shook her head.
"So this has been going on for a wee- wait a month and, you haven't seen anyone?" Katara asked voice rising.
"I figured it would go away," said Lin not meeting her eyes.
"Do you know where you got it from?" asked Katara, as she started to bend the water from the bowl?
"No, it just happens. I feel fine and, then I don't. I'll get nauseous or dizzy." Katara nodded.
"Lift your shirt for me." Lin did.
"It might be a little cold, ok?" Lin nodded.
Katara bent the water on her stomach and, Lin watched her. After all the water from the bowl was out, she covered Lin's stomach entirely. The water glowed and, Katara closed her eyes. Moving the water around slowly, deep in concentration, the hum of the water the only noise in the room. Finally pulling the water off, she put it back in the bowl. She wasn't sure how to break the news to her.
Lin sat up and looked at Katara.
"Is something wrong?"
"No," said katara gently pushing her back against the headboard.
"Have you noticed any changes in your… bending or energy? I guess..." she started.
"Why?" asked Lin looking at her, trying to read her.
"Just try to answer t questions for me, please," said Katara.
"Ok," said Lin.
Leaning back, she thought a little bit.
"I've been feeling a lot more tired easily. Even if I get to sleep." Katara nodded, waiting for her to continue.
"I'm not sure if my bending is off or it's because I'm tired. My shots haven't been as accurate recently…"
"Ok," said Katara.
"Any mood swings at all, are you irritated more often or less…"
Lin tilted her head. "Not from what I know but, you could ask Tenzin, I guess." Katara nodded
"Has anything else felt off?"
"Flying is worse than it was before… The other things are common with work." Katara just nodded again, worrying Lin.
"Last question. When was your last cycle?"
"Why?" asked Lin cautiously, not liking where this question was going.
"Just ... Lin," said Katara.
"Ok fine, I miss them sometimes though."
"That's ok."
"I'd say a month ago, I think… I don't think I've gotten mine this month yet..."
Katara's shoulders relaxed, at least she knew that Lin wasn't sick. It had worried her at first.
"Were you and Tenzin trying?" asked Katara.
"Trying what?" asked Lin.
"Oh Lin," said Katara unable to keep her smile in any longer.
"What is it?" asked Lin, nervous.
"You're pregnant!"
"No way," said Lin her face mixed with horror and shock.
Katara looked at her. "You guys weren't trying then..."
"No," said Lin quickly.
"I knew at some point but, we never talked about it. What if it's too early, or he doesn't want it… wait, but how?"
"Take a deep breath." Lin did.
"What were you using?"
"I was using the pills."
"Did you ever forget?"
"No, I don't think so. Not recently."
"The last two months?" asked Katara. Lin shook her head.
"It doesn't always work." Lin bit her lip.
"Tenzin will be thrilled, don't worry about that," said Katara, placing a hand on her shoulder. Lin nodded hesitantly.
"I... What if I can't be a mom?" she asked insecurely.
"Why would you say that? Well, I'm Chief and…"
"You can be both Lin."
"But I can't! Can I…"
"You can Lin. Tenzin will help. I'll help. Aang will help, I'm sure Sokka will too. You're not alone."
"Do you know why you keep getting sick?" asked Tenzin when Lin came out of the room. Lin nodded and looked down at the floor. Katara had said that the heartbeat probably wouldn't be heard until 6-7 weeks so, Lin would have to wait for a little to hear it.
Tenzin looked at her concerned. "You can tell me you know." Lin nodded but, she didn't say anything. Tenzin went to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Is something wrong?" She shook her head but then nodded at the same time. Tenzin looked at Katara who was still smiling.
"Lin?" asked Tenzin.
"I'mpregnant," said Lin softly.
"Lin?" asked Tenzin, not sure if what he heard was correct or not.
Lin wasn't sure why all of a sudden she was so nervous to tell Tenzin. He would be happy right? But what if it wasn't an airbender. What if it was too early. What if he didn't want it? Thousands of thoughts raced through her mind.
"Lin?" asked Tenzin, tilting her chin up to make her look at him. Lin looked at him. Those emerald green eyes stared back with a mix of fear and worry in her eyes.
"Impregnant," she said faster, moving her eyes away from him.
"Lin, really?" asked Tenzin surprised. She nodded.
Before anything else happened and, before Lin or Tenzin could say anything, Aang hugged them both. Katara joined in afterward.
"I'm going to be a grandfather!"
"And I'll be a gran gran!"
"This is such a wonderful day!" said Aang squeezing them tighter. "I can't wait to meet my grandchild."
Later at home, Tenzin came behind Lin. The ride back to the city had been quiet but, the excitement on the island was too much for them.
"You're pregnant," said Tenzin holding her closer. Lin nodded into his chest.
"I thought I was hearing things," he said while smiling at her.
"I.. you're ok with it?"
"Of course it's wonderful. A baby with you," said Tenzin, gazing at her and smiling. "Are you ok with it?" he asked, not sure what kind of answer he would get.
"Yeah... I think, I'm ok with it," said Lin. It was true seeing their reactions made her feel a little better about it.
"Really!?" asked Tenzin.
She nodded. Tenzin was still smiling, tears in the corner of his eyes.
"We're going to have a baby."
"I could shout to the whole world."
Lin rolled her eyes. "Please don't. Not yet at least."
"Fineee," said Tenzin fake pouting. It didn’t change his mood though.
"What should we name it?" Lin turned to look at him.
"We just found out. It could be a girl or a boy… you're choosing a name already." Lin asked in shock
"Well we should be prepared. We need a nursery, toys, clothes, a crib…"
"Ok, ok, I get it," said Lin trying to wiggle out of his arms but, he held her tighter with no intention of ever letting her go.
Tenzin just smiled at her and kissed her forehead.
"What do you think the baby will look like?"
"How would I know?" asked Lin.
"I think it would be nice if it was a girl and she had your eyes and maybe your hair. And then your face shape. Definitely not my ears."
"Definitely not your ears," said Lin smirking.
"Hey!" said Tenzin.
"What? You said it first."
"But that doesn't mean that you have to-"
Lin just rolled her eyes at him. "You basically want a mini me."
"Well... I wouldn't say no to that." Lin shook her head at him.
"But then they would be stubborn and-"
"They will be just perfect," he said placing a hand on her stomach
"When should Lin stop working?" Tenzin asked at Lin's next appointment with Katara.
Lin glared at him from the bed.
"Well, I would dor sure say nothing dangerous, or anything that could put you in the position. Especially in the beginning where miscarriage is higher." Tenzin nodded.
"I'd also say that in a few months, probably more in the second trimester, you should limit yourself to paperwork and meetings."
"What about just patrolling?" asked Lin. She was already not liking these new changes to her schedule.
"Lin! Those are dangerous sometimes!" Tenzin exclaimed.
"They are not," she shot back.
"They can be. Like the time you came back with a concussion, and broken ribs, and you were hours late! You even said you wouldn't do anything dangerous that day." Lin crossed her arms. Tenzin had started recently becoming really protective over what she did, what she ate, when she slept, and especially how much she worked.
"I'll stay on the airship," sighed Lin.
"That's still dangerous Lin."
"It isn't as dangerous as on the streets. I'll stay in the airship," Lin said with finality.
"That seems reasonable," said Katara hoping if she gave in to that, Lin would listen to some other stuff later.
"But mother-"
"Let me finish." Tenzin went quiet.
"I would say as you hit your eighth month, you should stop doing the patrols and even start your leave. You don't have to right away but, you can see as it gets closer. If you wanted, you could work from home too."
Lin and Tenzin nodded.
"There's no set time of when you should start. No set workload or anything but, don't overdo it. It's ok if you have to call in some days if you feel too tired or sick to work."
Lin made a face at Katara.
"You need your rest. Cut your hours as it gets closer."
Lin sighed and nodded. There was no point in arguing with the two of them.
Tenzin rolled over in bed and watched Lin sleep for a little. She always looked so peaceful, her hair roused from sleep. His eyes trailed down to her abdomen. Gently wrapping his arm around her, he rested his hand on her belly. It was still flat and toned for the time being. He was longing for the day he could feel it kick or when it moved. It was unfair that Lin would get to hear the heartbeat and, he couldn't. She would also be the first one to feel the first kick or feel it move around.
Lin had slowly started to come to terms that her body was going to change. She didn't like the prospect of being vulnerable, or weak, and, frankly fat. She hated being helped and having to rely on people. It took some reassurance at first that it would get better afterward but, it was a start.
Tenzin just smiled to himself and closed his eyes, resting his head by Lin's neck as she slept a little longer, or until they had to get up.