Work Text:
Craig and Giarc
A Scientific Journal
Arthur Seymour
October 3rd:
Dear Diary,
Can I call you Merlin the second? I feel like you are a descendant of a Merlin the first. Anyhow for uh no reason in particular I was um on discord recording scientific journals, yes recording scientific journals totally not recording Marvel fanfic nooooo. Heh heh…. Anywayyyy while i was recording podfic uh i mean scientific journals, I noticed something strange. There’s these bots named Craig and Giarc. Almost like they are polar opposites. What is weird is there is a Craig 2 but no Giarc 2, I don’t fully know why. If only I could tell someone about this but alas if I did they would surely laugh at me and call me mad. Oh Merlin my friend you are the only one I can trust with this secret.
See you soon my beloved companion,
Arthur Seymour
October 10th:
Dear Merlin the Second,
How are you today? I think I may add a smiley face and googly eyes to your cover to bring you to life some more. Anyway I have two main theories about Craig and Giarc, one of which I will share with you today. Oh I do hope you don’t laugh at me old friend, that would be quite rude. So the first theory is that Craig is the Doctor and Giarc is their companion. Every Doctor needs a companion as their aid, they may be able to time travel without their companion but it's less successful. Craig does the main recording or time traveling if we want to use the metaphor correctly and Giarc is the backup recording in case anything goes wrong or the assistant to the main character. Discord is the Tardis hosting the bots inside them, there are many rooms and is always expanding/”bigger on the inside”. It takes the bots wherever they need to go and to supply them with the tools needed to help them. I just realized that this entry is getting too long so I will tell you about it in the next adventures of Craig and Giarc, coming to a Journal near you … haha.
Till next time old friend,
Arthur Seymour
October 17th:
Dear Merlin the Second.
And now the moment you have all been waiting for with baited breath, my second theory on the adventures of the dynamic duo Craig and Giarc! In this episode we plot the theory, are Craig and Girac the robot version of Rick and Morty and is Discord their portal gun? Find out next week as we explain the theory to you, haha.
Haha I'm just kidding, do you really think I would make you wait another week to find out? That would be rude of me, how dare you think so low of me. Anyways on to the theory, don’t forget to like and subscribe, haha. So in Rick and Morty, Rick always needs a Morty to help on his adventures if there was no Morty, Rick would not be able to serve his purpose of traveling the multiverse and finding treasures. Each Rick has a specific Morty they are assigned to and ….. Sorry about that, I was rambling a bit too much. Anyways Craig is Rick using his portal gun or Discord to travel to different servers to record all different sorts of things not just podfics. However he can’t exactly without his Morty or Giarc to help him back up the files, without Giarc we wouldn’t have such lovely podfics as Craig would not be able to do his job properly.
Your favorite mild mannered and nerdy scientist,
Arthur Seymour
October 24th:
Dear Merlin the Second,
Breaking News!!!! I just had a breakthrough on this whole Craig and Giarc kerfuffle. You know how there is a Craig two? Well what if someone wanted to clone Craig to have a second for more recording capabilities but the first time they tried it, it went horribly wrong and that is why we have Giarc, maybe he is a faulty clone. Maybe the reason there is no Giarc the second and why Giarc can not go anywhere without Craig is because the inventors were embarrassed by their creature and did not want this creature to be known to the public. Maybe the public found out about Giarc, thought he was an adorable weirdo instead of a mistake and took him in as their own. Giarc inventors wanted to get rid of him but couldn’t since the public loved him so much, so they decided to make him somewhat useful by having him record backups. He’s a lot like Gritty chaotic and weird yet the public loves him.
Yours till the end of time,
Arthur Seymour
October 31st:
Dear Merlin The Second,
Happy Halloween or as the kids say Happy Spoopy Season! I am dressed up as Craig now or his persona if you will, just because I am not going out does not mean I am not allowed to dress up. Anyhow I had a thought or idea, it’s a terrifying one but very fitting for what day it is. I think Craig is an alive and sentient being who is always watching and recording even if we don’t want or need him to be. He is the one keeping track of what we like in order for the ads to target us. His power source/life source that he needs to become a physical being in the real world is all the audio that he records for us. The reason he randomly shows up even though he wasn’t called for is because he likes to take every opportunity he can to get one step closer to his goal of being a physical being in our world. Giarc is semi sentient only being aware of what is going on whenever Craig orders him to do so. Maybe Giarc is part of Siri or alexa or any of those kinds of artificial intelligence, using what we tell him to get back to his boss about all that is happening in the world.
Your podficing scientist,
Arthur Seymour