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Black hole sun by exai_lostjune for Marley_Millions, Rucifie
Fandoms: Trigun (Anime & Manga)
15 Jun 2024
Vash and Knives are traveling on with their vague mission to improve the plant situation and figuring out how to live in a world that changed a lot since the Ark attack - and with each other. Miraculously surviving a Last Run and fucking your brother doesn't smooth over all conflicts it seems. Especially if another plant revolution seems to be in the making.
Trimax characterization for all characters and world building.
Final part of the Miracle Series. We passed station standalone two stops ago. It's still readable without the other two, but you'll miss some context.
If you lost your way, do not fret - here's a map!
Story continuity:
1. Separation Sickness
2. Balance
3. Black hole sun(Let the light in is an alternative ending to Separation Sickness with a alternative -and final - ending.)
- Part 4 of Miracles
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47043 post canon part of a series love this fic
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!!!! <333
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I cry every paragraph :’)
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Ch. 14
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Black hole sun by exai_lostjune for Marley_Millions, Rucifie
Miraculously surviving a Last Run and fucking your brother doesn't smooth over all conflicts it seems. Especially if another plant revolution seems to be in the making.
Story continuity:
1. Separation Sickness
2. Balance
3. Black hole sun -
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