Work Text:
Created for the Vexercises community on Dreamwidth:
Vexercise 2: Visual Continuity
Produce a 1 minute video edit on your selected source using match-on-action and graphic matches as your primary editing logics. The motion of each shot should seem to continue into motion in the following shot. Audio should be music of your own choosing.
One of the things I love about The Sentinel is the brick-sized cell phones Jim and others use in the show. It almost instantly dates the show to the 90's. So in addition to matching on the graphic of the giant cell phone, I was trying to match on action so that conversations would be starting and ending within the flow. I think I could have done a bit better matching up the cuts to the beats, but I really liked this part of the song, and those giant cell phones make me smile.
VielMouse, Selenic, PattRose, naye, water_bby, Mab_Browne, sawaruna, franscats, SallyJ, bonibaru, dragonquest1313, and CumberCurlyGirl as well as 3 guests left kudos on this work!