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The Long Descent

Chapter 7: NOTICE

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Hi guys. 

I know I've been saying I'll update this. 

There's only one problem. 

I'm still at the stage of my life where my views can change really quickly, and since I began this fic, my views on the Jedi have changed. 

I no longer think that Falling is the answer to the galaxy's problems, or that the Jedi Code is restrictive or any of that. 

While I have soldiered on with this fic for as long as I can, I simply can't deal with the idealogical differences between the me who began it and me now. 

I'm really sorry, but this is the end of the fic. 

I won't be writing anymore. 

I will, however, tell you what I had planned for it:

-All the Jedi end up Falling. 

- Anidala is accepted, and in fact many Jedi are in equally illicit relationships. 

- They take down the Chancellor in an as yet unspecified but awesome and badass way. 

- The Senate throw a hissy fit and exile them. This means that the fallen jedi end up living on a cool force planet and become super op and the Republic regrets exiling them and wants them back. 

- the fallen jedi all live happily ever after. 


Again, my apologies for abandoning this, but I couldn't stand to write another word of something I so vehemently disagree with now.