Chapter Text
Danny was always tired. In a way, it was good. The thought of sinking down into a soft, fluffy mattress and burying himself under a pile of covers for 12 hours, would become so all-consuming that it could push everything out of his brain.
Stressed about grades? Worried your parents will find out you're half-ghost? Does the girl you like like you back? Forget that. Think about getting some would be so good...
And with that, Danny's head sank down to the desk in front of him, snoring gently. Tuck had his back, and slapped a paper towel down in front of Danny's face to collect the drool that would inevitably puddle there. Lancer was on an impassioned harangue about As You Like It and Tucker estimated Danny could probably get in a good 20 minute nap before catching Lancer's eye. Which was great cause his friend needed it...The bags under Danny's eyes were so deep it was like looking into the void.
Danny was usually a quiet sleeper. This was a very fortuitous trait, given how often he needed to nap during classes and detentions. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't ALWAYS silent when slumbering.
"Nuuuuh...Skulker...staaaaahp it..." he mumbled.
His classmates snickered, watching Danny's hand slap at his desk in his sleep. Lancer just stared, deadeyed. He was all too used to this sort of shenanigans from Fenton and his pals. They made a mockery of his classroom...on days like this he almost couldn't care. He'd gotten a Masters degree in English literature, for this?
For brats that couldn't even be bothered to stay awake, let alone learn who was who in the most well-known Shakespeare plays?
He began slowly approaching this particular brat's desk. He couldn't let himself become jaded, bitter, like so many teachers did. The trick to avoiding burnout...was taking your fun when you could.
He waited til he was about an inch from Danny's mumbling, sleeping face, before shouting "FENTON!".
The boy jerked awake, tumbling to the ground with a shriek.
"That's one detention for you, Mr. Fenton. Do try to stay awake." Lancer even managed to bestow him with a gentle, understanding smile.