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Chapter 35: regret


the last chapter lol

play a sad song idc which song just play a sad song


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The air pushed against George's face as he kept running to Quackity's house. He kept sprinting, the heart ache clouding his judgement. There was one car in the driveway, signaling the parents were home, considering Quackity's car was not there.


George had spent a while researching when he was a little kid how to Hotwire a car, considering he already had plans to run away ever since he was little.

Before Callie was taken away with his mother, they would spend hours planning and researching the best ways to hot wire a car and the best ways to save money, so they could live happily, away from the fear of being beaten.

They were so excited to get out of Rosefelt, to be happy. They wanted to be safe from the hurt and horror of their house.

Then their mother took Callie and left.

At least Callie got out then, but she didn't escape permanently. She came back for George, and it warmed his heart at the time.

It was a mistake, though. Now she's dead.

And George still holds the guilt of that to this day. He felt guilty; he felt as if the murder of his best friend, his sister, was his fault.

As thoughts of his sister recollected in the brunette's mind, he finally arrived to the car, heavy breaths escaping his lips from the amount of running. The wind felt amazing against his skin, it pushing the heat away from George. He went to the driver's side of the car, careful not to be seen from the windows. He tried unlocking the car to get in, and it opened.

Amateur move to leave a car door unlocked.

He quickly hopped into the car and looked for the place to hot wire the car. He was practically a professional now, as he practiced when he was little on his father's car. He never drove away when he was younger, mostly because he couldn't drive, but it also wasn't his time to leave his family.

It was his time now, though.

George found the wires and struck them together a few times before he heard the car rumbling, signaling the engine had started running.

There was no turning back now.

George grabbed the steering wheel, taking a deep breath. Was he really about to throw his life away, just for a second chance at happiness that might not even work out?

Like he said, he wasn't failing again.

George put the car in reverse, put slight pressure on the gas, and reversed out of the drive way. He heard the door of the house open through the window, but it was too late. He had already started out of the neighborhood, the yells of Alex's parents slowly fading out.

George's mind was racing with multiple feelings. He was slightly regretting leaving Alex and his probable soulmate, but at the same time, he felt his problems drifting away in the wind.

George was driving, but he didn't know where to. All he knew was that he needed to get away from Rosefelt, even if it was just for a little while. He needed to feel safe again, for once in his life he was finally putting himself first.

Would that be a blessing or a curse?

He didn't know yet.

As George drove through the town, he reached for the dial to turn the radio on. The song that was playing was already half way done, but the lyrics that played really hit George in the heart.

Let's say we up and left this town

And turned our future upside down

We'll make pretend that you and me

Lived ever after happily...

That just rushed another flood of thoughts about his sister back into his mind. George, even though he was hurting, already wasted his tears on Clay. He had no more tears left to spend on another person.

Although deep inside of his soul he knew what he was doing was not a good idea, the pain had already overtaken everything. George couldn't stand living with the fear of being in the same town as his father; he couldn't handle the fear of seeing Clay again.

The one person he needed to text, though, was Quackity. The brunette may have been hurting, but he wasn't going to leave his friend hanging.

Hey Q, uh I really am sorry. I'm sorry for ever hurting you before, I'm sorry for putting you through my shit, but most of all, I'm sorry for leaving. I can't be in this town anymore, it's like the town of memories that I want to push into the back of my mind. I can't stay in this town of broken memories anymore.

Goodbye for the last time, Alex.

I love you.

George thought he had no more crying left in him, but having to say goodbye to his best friend for a second time hurt a lot. It was only one tear, which he wiped away quickly. Although the pain of leaving his best friend was worse than he imagined, it was too late to back out.

He needed to leave; it was the best for everyone.

Maybe, if George left, they could forget about him. They could erase George from their memories, and learn to heal. Time would heal their wounds like it healed George's once upon a time.

He hoped they would and wouldn't forget him at the same time.

George wanted them to forget about him, he wanted them to be happy... but at the same time, he knew he would never forget them. In some ways, George wanted to disappear, but in others, he wanted to be a happy memory in the minds; he wanted them to remember him and smile.

Does that make sense?

Yes, at least it made sense to George.

As George drove and nodded his head to the song, letting his worries go, he heard a ding from his phone, a notification that he got a text.

George? Are you serious?

You're leaving me..?

I guess that's it. I love you, George.


That's when he knew he made a mistake.

He might have been free, yeah.

But at what cost?


Clay's pov

One ring, two rings, three rings, four. George wouldn't pick up, as he got sent to voicemail every time.

All Clay felt was regret. Why did he have to start a stupid fight over nothing when he KNEW he was in the wrong? Why was Clay so stupid? Why did he have to push everyone he cared about away?

Hatred for himself only grew as each ring passed through his ear.

Clay wished that George would just come back on his own time, seeing as he wouldn't even answer his calls. Clay wanted George to be happy, even if it was without Clay in his life.

At the same time, though, he really wished that it was all just a dream. That it was all just a nightmare, and that he would wake up in bed to the brunette cuddled up in his arms, and that they were still together and happy.

It wasn't a nightmare though.

It was real, and it stung.

Would George ever come back? Neither of the boys knew.

All that they knew was that they both did things they regret.

They would forever leave bruises on each other, inside and out.

They were each other's light, yet at the same time they were each other's darkness.

They were each other's heart and soul, they were connected by an imaginary rope, that would always draw them together until it snapped.


That day, the rope had snapped.

It was over.

The bruises and the darkness overtook the light.


Neither of them would ever be the same.

(1310 words)


I hope it wasn't too bad of an ending lol any who thank you guys so, so much for reading this story! you guys mean so much to me and writing this story really has helped me just smile. Seeing your comments make me look forward to the day and I thank you all so much for that. Love you guys<3 eat and drink something if you haven't already!

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