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The Yandere Curse

Chapter 53: Chapter 49

Chapter Text

Third Person pov.

It finally arrived. The final day of high school. Link and Dark awaited their names to be called to the podium, to accept their diplomas. The valedictorian Zelda who wore the dress from Skyward Sword once she 'found out who she really was' from her dreams. Green, Shadow and their immediate families (only Vio, graduations are very crowded), watched from as close as they could, which was sadly the tenth last row.

The long list of names slowly went through, and everyone was all over the school socializing. Blue and Red had waited outside for them, which they had quickly ran off too. Blue hugs them, Red squeezing a bit too much. Shadow joked about how Red would be able to kill with his grip. Red chuckled nervously letting them go.

As the adults conversed they snuck away, not wanting their last night together to be wasted. They had talked to Link and Dark before hand making sure there weren't any objections. This night was meant to be for them. But merciful they had agreed as long as Green and Shadow allowed them to dress them up as girls for their first day of work.

They went to the park. Marylyn Park they wanted to see it, the spot Majora died, they needed to see it. The police hadn't let anyone in the area it happened, not even remotely. But a week ago, they took the tape down, thankfully no delinquents had come crashing through, at least not yet. No one was stupid enough, it would take a few years to get to that stage. You know the haunted woods that bring the dumbest people ever to them.

They sat down at the fallen log and just chatted amongst themselves.

Their parents started talking asking about their kids. Ayano somewhere let it slip that Vio and Green almost too similar looking. When asked about what she meant she decided to just say fuck it and showed them a picture of them cuddling together... on Shadow's chest. Needless to say Green was in for a nasty surprise when his mother finds him....

But this is only one ending with the curse of Demise's Hatred, and the Aishi curse of Yandere love, complete with Ganon's added curse. The cycle would continue in this world as well. But even more are forced in.

Series this work belongs to: