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Project Wyvern

Chapter 21: Operation Flush


UPDATE: Weird right, me using Notes at the Beginning of a chapter? Not the end? Shocking. XD

So...explanation time, I'm sure a lot of people are looking at this wondering where Chapter 22 of Project Wyvern is. I'm sorry to say but, that's not coming out this month. Chapter 22 is NOT where I want it to be, and this is a really important chapter that I want to make sure is done right. It's the beginning of the end of the Spare Arc and there is a lot to contend with. So I am not rushing chapter 22's release, I'm going to take my time, thank you for all your patience and your understanding.

As a thank you for all your support and patience. There is a new side story out, which can be found Here. There's little to no spoilers, just the appearance of someone who will be working with Basilisk a lot in the future.

I hope this can tithe everyone over until I finish chapter 22. Trust me when I say I'm bummed out too. I've been keeping up the consistent monthly uploads on the 18th for....well...A long time. BUT in the end, Chapter Quality is more important to me than anything else. So, I'll see you all here next month, hopefully with a new chapter.

UPDATE 2: Alright so I know it's been...A while.

But I will start this off by saying I am NOT dead yet, life kinda went to hell in a handbasket and just kept spiraling. As for when the next chapter will be out, I do not know for sure. Life has...somewhat leveled out? But every time things have finally calmed down before things went to shit again so we shall see how it goes. Other than that, here's my current plan.

1. Reply to all the wonderful comments you have all left! I'm so sorry I haven't gotten to them but...yeah, life went to shit.

2. Reread the whole story, make sure I'm caught up on things and not forgetting stuff.

3. Finish Chapter 22

4. Get a little bit ahead an extra chapter or two so I don't fall behind to hard.

5. Release chapter 22 on the 18th of an unknown at this time month this year.

I know it's not a lot for an update, but I wanted to give something to ya'll cuz you've been amazing. Thank you as always for reading. And here's hoping you all have an amazing year. ^^



Well...thank you all for the love. There will be an update when there is an update. Promise.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There was never anything more freeing than the open sky.

Any pilot would tell you that.

Any sailor would say the same of the sea.

But here…meters from the ground, barely skimming over the trees, deep under the clouds. 

It was only suffocating.

“I don’t like this…we barely have visibility as is.” Prez shivered a little. “Doesn’t help that it’s cold as hell.”

Trigger chuckled. “Mhmm, which circle was that again?”

“Ninth I think?” Tabloid chimed in.

“You sayin we’re in hell then?” Count sighed.

“I’ll let you know if we are or not…” High Roller laughed, triple checking everything once more on his F-16 XL.



“The He-…Oh no.” Spare Nine groaned. “Now I’m thinking we are in hell.”

Full Band cut in quickly. “Whatcha mean by that High Roller?”

“Well, If I catch sight of my Ex-wife. I’ll know we’re in it.” He burst out laughing. “I’ll wave to her as we fly by.”

You have an ex Wife?!

“Oh shit…yeah…just…just forget about that okay.” High Roller cleared his throat, then a staticky click came through.

“High Roller?

No answer.

“High Roller!”

“Full Band I think he shut off his mic…” Prez giggled lightly.

“Does…” Georg cut in. “Does this happen all the time?” His MiG-29 was staying close to Count’s SU-33. 

“Yes…yes it does Georg.” Count sighed.

“Hey wait…why don’t I have a callsign?”

“Wait…Georg isn’t your callsign?!?” Prez chuckled. “But that’s what was on your flight suit!”

“No! Not at all! That’s my name! My callsign i-”

“You’ve entered the AO. Cloud cover is heavy, no major winds. Spare Squadron, mission is a go.” Bandog’s pride showed for a moment. “Good luck, and God’s speed.”

“Welp, it’s too late Spare Fourteen.” She laughed.

“All Spare planes, stick to the plan, keep your heads on a swivel, stay close to the clouds.”

“Spare one! Engaging! Thanks Bandog!”

“Spare Two, engaging.” Count chuckled. “I would say whoever takes down the most planes wins…but we all know who that win will go too.”

“Spare Three! Engaging!” Jacker let out a deep breath. “Fingers crossed no peacekeepers show up.”

“Spare Four! Engaging! Sticking with One.”

“Spare Six, Engaging.” Full Band sighed. “I have no idea how you all talked me into this…”

“Spare Seven, Engaging!” High Roller laughed more. “Full Band won’t admit that he likes us!”

A few laughs carried through the coms. 

“Spare Nine, Engaging.”

“Spare Eleven! Engaging!” The sound of knuckles being cracked came through Tabloid’s coms. “On your six Trigger.”

“Spare Thirteen, Engaging. On Nine.”

“Spare…Fourteen? Georg…engaging. Is anyone going to use proper lingo?”

“Nah! Half of us didn’t even know how to fly before this.” Tabloid chuckled.


“Spare Fifteen, Trigger and Prez, Engaging!” Trigger smiled, slowly pushing the throttle up, watching as the variable wings closed in.

“First target is dead ahead!” Prez marked the first radar sight.

“Remember people! The enemy is watching from above. Stay in or below the clouds to keep hidden. That means no missiles after your ass, even you lot should understand that.” Bandog chuckled.

Trigger followed along the valley, banking right a little as he curved the Wyvern around a mountain.

“Talk about an enclosed space.” Count’s voice shook a little.

“It’s really pretty though…would want to visit it sometime…you know…when we’re not worrying about missiles.” Prez gave a nervous chuckle.

“What’s more enclosed than solitary? Commence operation. That's your target radar. Destroy the anti-air weapons around it too if you can.” Bandog cut in.

“Anti-air guns? Feels like a bit of overkill with the missile system.” Count whistled. “Well there aren’t any yet luckily. Maybe they haven’t noticed us?”

“Enemies are attacking! Enemy aircraft incoming from the south!” Erusean coms suddenly burst into life, picked up by Brownie’s old radio.

Really Count!” Prez tried to hold back her laughter.

“Shit….Shoulda kept my mouth shut.”

“Should of made everyone bet on that.” A frustrated snap of fingers came from High Roller’s coms. “Oh well, my own loss really.”

Trigger rolled his eyes, smiling. It was good to see how they had finally managed to get everyone working together well. It had taken a while, but right now, it was completely worth it. Spare 12 was an issue he’d have to figure out though, that would have to wait though…

He squinted slightly, watching as the clouds thinned out slightly as the mountains scraped them apart. “Shit…”

“How did they stay undetected for so long?”

“They’re getting closer!”

“Just drive them away! Chase them upwards! Lead them into the missiles!” 

“Ummm…right…so guys.” Count cleared his throat. “What was the plan if the radar isn’t under a cloud?”

The other Spare Aircraft started to slow down.

Trigger looked around carefully. Luckily, Tabloid was still right behind him.

“I’m going to tell you right now Count, none of them are under cloud cover. Destroy it, then scurry for cover.” Bandog cleared his throat slightly. “If you get enough speed, you’ll be under the clouds before the missiles even have a chance to lock on.

“I thought you’d say that.” He groaned. “Fuck…this is going to suck.”

“Well who’s going to try first?” Georg asked the big question first. “I’m still getting used to this hunk of junk.”

“Hey, Hey, Hey, respect the planes man, Scrap Queen puts a lot of work into these things.” Jacker chuckled slightly. “And if she hears you were badmouthing one of her planes, she’ll have words with you.”

Prez frowned slightly, watching as each of Spare Squadron’s planes started to slow down. “They’re hesitating…that can’t be good.”

Tabloid chuckled. “Well then, someone’s going to have to take the lead. Right?”

“Hmmm…” Trigger took a deep breath. “Right then.” He slammed the throttle to full, watching as the Wyvern’s speed picked up. He carefully selected the radar station as his target as they flew straight at the mountain.

Prez yelped. “Hey! Jeez, you coulda warned me you ass!” She went to punch him in the arm, but paused, watching as the shadow of the mountain covered them.

“Caution…Pull Up


Caution…Pull Up!


“Hang on…don’t worry.” He smiled slightly as he slowly pulled back on the stick, raising their nose with the curve of the mountain. 

“Oh…Ohhhhh no I don’t like this…” She sighed.

He chuckled, pulling back on the stick more as they shot into the air, sending wisps of cloud swirling.

“Holy shit…Trigger’s going for it!” Jacker laughed.

“Hey! Hey!” Tabloid made a frustrated squeaking sound. “Trigger! Come on! You know I’m nowhere near as fast as you!”

“Ohhhhhhhh! Alright!” She pressed her legs together as she gripped her console. “I see whats going on now! Fine! Fine! We’ll take the lead Trigger!”

He grinned, pushing the stick forward, sending the Wyvern into a focused curve, perfectly following the moutain. A lock tone rang in his ear just before the apex, he tapped the trigger twice, then dove the Wyvern down along the slope of the mountain.

The enemy lock warning blared out for a moment.

Prez swallowed slightly as she felt her stomach drop, surprisingly…it didn’t bother her that much this time. Almost like riding your favorite roller coaster.

An explosion ripped through the air behind them, the sidewinders blasting the radar station apart. Barely even having time to growl.

Trigger pulled back on the stick once more as they dived into a nearby valley protected by the cloud cover once more

“Spare Fifteen, you’re still under satellite observation. Watch out for missiles.” Bandog chuckled, “But I feel like you could do more.”

“It feels like I’m being watched like a pack of angry Bandogs.” Count laughed slightly. “Judging me from above.”

Bandog grunted. “Always will be count.”

Trigger smiled, shaking his head. “I don’t think Bandog’s plane has missiles though.”

“Uh…Trigger?” Prez tapped him on the shoulder.



“Oh shit!”

 He rolled the Wyvern, dodging the first burst of fire. Launching a missile as he did.

The sidewinder spun for a moment, before activating with a flash, flying for the first AA gun.

He switched targets, releasing another missile the moment he got a lock, then punched the throttle to full.

“Two more ahead! Just behind that ridge!” Prez pointed over his head, just a bit to their left. “Go! Go! Go!” 

Twin explosions lit up the valley behind them.

“Two AA guns down.”

Trigger brought their speed down a bit, then banked the Wyvern.

Prez went to pull her trigger, then sighed. “Right…AAMs…all yours dude.”

“Sorry Prez.” The lock tone rang in his ear, he released one missile, switched targets, then fired another.

“How does it feel riding coattails Prez?” Count laughed.

Trigger slammed the throttle once more, gunning it down the valley, switching targets to the next radar site on the nearby mountaintop. The engines roared, the wind whistled, a helicopter flew above them.

Prez gritted her teeth. “Ohhhhhh, Count you son of a-” She squeaked a little as the Wyvern picked up speed.

“Two more AA Guns down! Pick up the pace Spare Squadron! Trigger’s clearing the way for you guys.” Bandog laughed. “Well, if you can catch up that is.”

“Shit! We’re down a radar! Anyone have visual?”

“It’s…a Strike Wyvern! Oh god…it’s Three Strikes!”

“Three Strikes?! Here? No way!”

Trigger smiled, there was that name for them again…three strikes…it had a nice ring to it really. He banked the Wyvern slightly, pulling back on the stick slightly as they ascended along the slope of another mountain.

“Oh my god! Station Zero Two! Station Zero Two! You have incoming! Repeat incoming bandit! Evac! Evac! Evac!”

Trigger sucked in a breath as they skimmed over a rather large ridge and into the open sky.

“Locked! Fire! Fire!” Prez growled, glancing behind her as the enemy lock warning blared in her ears.

He pushed the Wyvern into a small roll, releasing two sidewinders, wincing as their wing passed just inches away from the radar dome. He pushed the stick forward, then made a high-G turn into the clouds.

Fire erupted behind them. 

“Station Zero Two is down! Shit!”

“Maybe it really is Three Strikes?”

“It’s got to be! It’s barely been a minute and we’ve lost two radar stations!”

Trigger’s eyes widened as they dove through the clouds, and a mountain appeared a little faster than he expected, he slammed the stick back, hitting a hard high-G turn into a small cloud filled valley.

Prez swallowed hard. “Shit…that was close dude.”

“Spare Fifteen, Radar site confirmed destroyed. However, not all radar sites have been taken out. The satellite’s link is still in operation.” Bandog hummed appreciatively. “Remember Spare Squadron. Their missiles are guided by a combination of the satellite and the radar facility. So if the radar facility is destroyed, their missiles should stop hitting their targets.”

“Are you sure you can trust that intel Bandog?” Full Band bit back over the coms.

“Who knows? Only one way to find out.” Bandog chuckled. “And Trigger’s already taken two down.”

“I’m starting to feel guilty about leaving everything to Trigger.” Full Band sighed. “Then again…You left us behind in the dust you ass!”

“Sorry!” Trigger grit his teeth as a sudden gust of wind pushed the Wyvern down towards the stone ground. “Gotta keep up speed here!”

“In that case Full Band, you can use yourself as a decoy for the surface to air missiles.” Bandog’s voice came through, dry and haunty, but dripping with sarcasm.


“I’m sorry did Bandog just tell a joke…during a mission?!” Prez laughed. “Dust Mother, it’s the end of the world.”

Trigger banked right, pushing towards the third radar station. Swallowing slightly as he surveyed the area. While there was finally a bit of room to maneuver in, that room was quickly disappearing as the trees below and clouds above slowly met.

“Do we have to go through that soup?”

He chuckled, realizing he could just hear Prez’s worried frown. “Yeah…yeah…” He didn’t ease up on the throttle as they dove into the clouds. Careful not to smash into any trees.

“The enemy is packing a lot of anti-air weaponry!” Tabloid grunted. “Damn!”

“I know! I can’t focus on attacking like this!” Count just sounded stressed. “Georg! Look out!”

“Copy! Breaking!”

The ground started getting closer. Trigger bit his lip.

“Careful dude…” Anxiety peaked in Prez’s voice.

“How many AA guns do they have in the area anyways?” Tabloid let out a slow breath, trying to keep his cool.

“Ummm…let me check” Bandog hummed slightly, mumbling as he did. “About forty from what I’m seeing up here.”

Forty?!?” Tabloid groaned. “Come on!”

“They sure aren’t making things easy for us.” Count clicked his tongue. “Shit! Did that helicopter just shoot at me!”

The Wyvern was only meters above the ground now, the trees disappearing for cold hard stone. Trigger quickly cycled through targets until the radar station ahead was marked.

“Damn it! They’re making us do something, but for what?! It’s a dangerous Operation, but it’s better than running through a minefield blind, I guess?” Tabloid growled. “When the hell is McKinsey going to realize that he can’t just keep getting away with this! Someone will find out and make him pay!”

“Steady, Trigger…steady…” Prez squinted slightly, trying to see through the soup that made up this cloud bank.

Trigger kept an eye out, making micro adjustments to ensure they didn’t smash into the mountain.

“You’re so naive, Tabloid. What we’re doing is exactly like running through a minefield blind.” Full Band snapped back. “No one is going to do anything right now because it benefits them. Even then I think McKinsey is just going to get a slap on the wrist."

"Well we're getting closer to the fifth station! Let's take it out. Faster the radar goes down, faster we get to go home, no need to bet on that." High Roller's grin could be heard from miles away.

Bandog cleared his throat. “Guys! If you’ve got time to yap, you’re not doing your job right. Focus!”

Suddenly…there wasn’t any cloud cover anymore.

Trigger’s eyes widened at the open air, they were close, but not close enough for a lock. The enemy lock tone grinded into his ear, sending a cold shiver down his spine.

Gun it!

Prez’s voice snapped him out of his shock. He pushed the throttle forward and slowly pulled back on the stick, following the natural incline of the mountain once more. This mountain was steeper though.

“This is Station Zero Three! We’ve got an incoming bandit! Shit, shit, shit! EVAC! EVAC!

A lock tone sounded sweetly in his ear.

“You’re in plain view Trigger! Get back to the clouds!” Bandog yelled out to them.

Time seemed to slow right as they climbed up the mountain at breakneck speeds. He released two missiles, one after another. He felt each one release from their bays through his feet. He listened to the growl, as they flew right over the mountain’s peak, right over the target radar.


The radar station disappeared in twin explosions as he angled their nose down, following the mountain once more.


Time quickly caught right back up as the screeching sound of missile warning ripped into his ears. Trigger dove down through a thin wisp of cloud, quickly pulling the Wyvern up before they crashed into a ridge, rolling slightly so the wing wasn’t scrapped along the mountainside.

For a moment…the missile alert stopped.

Missile! Missile! Missile!

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” He slammed the throttle to full, letting the afterburners do their job. Avril was going to kill him.

“Nothing’s working! I can’t jam it!” Prez slapped her console. “Damn it!”

Trigger pushed the Wyvern through a small valley, wisps of clouds being blasted away by their jet wash. He could barely see anything through the fog.

Missile! Missile! Missile!

The mountainside disappeared beneath them.

He slammed the stick forward, diving the Strike Wyvern into the thick mist. 

The missile alert stopped.

He slowly pulled up, making sure to slowly push the air breaks as he did.

“Woah…” Prez looked around at the large valley they found themselves in.

Down here, it was strangely…peaceful. There was even a part of the valley where the clouds opened up, letting in warm sunlight.

“Incoming! Nine O’Clock!

Trigger’s eyes widened, he quickly banked

A large missile flew by. Missing them by a few meters, spinning out of control as it tried to reacquire a lock on it’s disappearing target.

It slammed into the ground, detonating. Blasting trees aside with it’s shockwave.

“Well…that was close.” Prez sighed deeply. “I think my heart stopped for a moment there.”

Trigger nodded aggressively, that was too close.

“Cancel alert. Remember, that satellite is up there.” Bandog let a breath. “God you two give me heart attacks with how reckless you are. Spare Squadron, that’s another target destroyed, two to go. I think we can give Trigger and Prez a break, right?”

“Yeah…yeah…” Tabloid sighed. “Wouldn’t be that way if they gave me a second to catch up!” He laughed. “I’m mostly kidding guys, take your break.”

“Definitely.” Highroller chuckled. “Luckily I have three LAGM’s just for the occasion!”

“Avril let you have three LAGM’s?” Count laughed. “Man I didn’t get any…” Everyone could almost hear him pout.

“So we’re using the clouds to escape?” Spare One’s confused voice came over the coms.

“No, you’re using them to fight.” Bandog groaned.

“Well, Trigger and Prez led the way. Let em have it!” Jacker giggled slightly. “Just keep up the speed and watch what’s on the other side of the clouds! We got this!”

Prez smiled. “Sounds good to me, we’ll intercept any QRF that enters the AO.”

Trigger nodded, starting a slow circling of their valley hideout, keeping an eye on his radar.

“It’s very strange that there’s no sign of interceptors actually. So far the only air power I’ve seen is…two helicopters?” Georg huffed. “I don’t like this, it feels like a trap.”

“It usually is a trap with this kind of stuff…” Tabloid sighed. “Seriously every time.”

“So…I’m curious, how did you guys prepare for all of this anyways?” High Roller changed the topic of conversation. “Oh and um…Fox…whatever the hell a LAGM is.”

“Fox Three usually.” Trigger shrugged. “Depends on the type of missile.”

“Fox Three then.”

Full Band let out a pleased chuckle. “Well since you asked, to answer your question High Roller. We go access to the main OADF network.”

“Wait what?! How?”

“Got in using a trick any amateur could think of. Picked up a bunch of Intel.”

A mountaintop far off lit up for a brief moment.

“Radar site destroyed. Good effect on target High Roller. Show the last one the same hospitality.” Bandog quickly cleared his throat. “Also, Full Band, that’s your second strike, there won’t be a third.”

“Awww come on Bandog!” The former information broker snorted. “I got my hands on a password, and after some digging around, I found a bunch of stuff.”

“I’m not sure you understand what you’re saying, Spare Six.” Bandog growled. "And if you know what's good for you you'll shut up about it!"

Trigger hissed, this wasn’t good, Full Band had gone…well…full band, and was telling everyone what they had done. Was it was possible Osean command staff were listening in?

“I’ll let you in on it when we’re home Bandog.” Full Band chuckled “In this war, intel is a life or death matter.”

“I think you might be right…shit.” The AWACS sighed deeply. “Hang on, I gotta take a call.” His coms cut off with a click.

Trigger looked back at Prez.

She shrugged with one arm. “Fuck if I know! We’re just doing our job, worst that can happen is Full Band gets thrown into solitary…right?”

He didn’t know about that…something itched at the back of his mind that it could always be something worse. He watched the radar as High Roller, Tabloid, Jacker, and Full Band made their way through a valley, heading for the last target.

Brownie’s old radio crackled to life once more. “Station Five? Come in! Station Five!”

“Station Four Evac, the facility is lost, we’re pulling out before ground troops arrive.”

“We’re pulling out?!”

Do it now Station Four!

“Fox two.” High Roller chuckled.

“Three High Roller!” Tabloid groaned.

“Right! Right! Fox Three.”

Trigger watched on the radar as another LAGM appeared on the radar, flying up towards the final Station. A tower rather than a dome if he remember the satellite footage.

“Station Four! You’ve got incoming!”

“Why the hell are they here?” Brownie’s radio crackled once more, as whoever was speaking had closed off their coms.

“Well…seems like the Eruseans are on the run.”

“Really? Well shit that’s great!” Count chuckled. “Hot damn! We haven’t even taken out the las-”

An explosion lit up another mountaintop.


“All targets destroyed, thats the last of the radar sites we needed to take out.” Bandog sighed, drinking something over the coms. “That probably put a stop to their satellite’s missile guidance capabilities.”

“We sure about that Guard Dog?” Count snorted.

“Someone fly above the clouds. We’ll find out fast that way Count.”

“How bout you do it?” Spare Four bit back.

“I like the sound of that.” Full Band’s amusement was obvious.

“You could do with the exercise.” Jacker noted.

“Shut it!” Prez snapped. “All of you, shush. He’s already above the clouds, he’s our AWACS.” She growled. “Trigger.”

He glanced back. “Hmm?”

Prez pointed up, nodding to him. “I trust you.” She winked.

He blushed a bit, thankful that his visor was down. “Alright then.” He pulled back on the stick and slowly pushed up the throttle. As they raised up from their little hideaway, into the open sky. 

The Wyvern burst out from the clouds. 

Trigger readied himself to roll and dive as soon as they got lit up. 

But no lock warning came.

No missile launched into the sky. 

Prez nodded slowly as she looked around. “Alright…Bandog, I think we’re in the clear.”

There was a long pause.


Then Bandog opened his coms with a release of a breath. “Alright…cool, nothing else coming at us. I think we might be…” There was the sound of him tapping on something. “Wait a minute, hold it.”

“What’s going on Bandog?” Tabloid’s voice shook a little.

“This is the Air Force Base Four, Four, Four, Squadron. What is your affiliation?” Bandog’s voice came through all official and no nonsense.

Prez felt a shiver go down her spine. “I don’t like this…”

Trigger pulled up his radar, zooming out, he noticed that there were twelve allied planes inbound, he banked the Wyvern, facing towards the incoming aircraft. “Everyone…stay under the clouds.”

“Copy that.” Tabloid responded.

“Nobody told me there were this many nearby…Incoming allied fighters respond, this is the AWACS Bandog of the Four, Four, Four, Spare Squadron. Please respond immediately.”

No response came through.

“Allied F-18’s, please respond immediately!”

“The regular forces don’t want anything to do with the penal base.” Count scoffed. “Nothing new, lets just get out of here.”

“Incoming Osean forces! Respond immediately, or we will be forced to mark you as hostile. This is the Osean AWACS Bandog of Spare Squadron. Stand down or be fired upon.”

A burst of static came through their allied coms. 

Prez winced at the noise. “What the fuck was that?”

The F-18’s suddenly broke formation.

Trigger squinted slightly, watching as the fighters dove down, towards the clouds. “Fuck…”

Then the enemy lock warning went off.

“Hey! They have radar lock!” Prez shouted. “Fuck! Fuck! Deploying countermeasures.”

Trigger slammed the Wyvern into a roll, dumping chaff and flares as he did.

Bandog took over instantly. “Spare Squadron! Scatter!”

“The IFF says they’re allies!” Count’s voice was filled with panic. “Georg! Stick close!”

“Copy that!”

“Missile! Missile!” Spare Nine gasped. “Holy shit they’re firing at us!”

“Osean fighters! Do not attack! Shit!” Bandog growled. “Still no response! What the hell!”

“Whoa! Time out!” Full Band yelped “Don’t tell me they’re boarder troops!”

Trigger dove the X-02 down into the clouds once more. Heading back the way he came, weaving through the valley. Two planes following far behind them. He pushed the throttle more, they needed to get away, and fast. However, he could no longer tell who was who.

“They’re trying to pick us off!” Spare One called out. “I’ve no idea who’s an ally!”

“Don’t go above the clouds! Stay below!” Jacker clicked his tongue, “This is bullshit!”

“Someone’s on me! Is it an enemy?” Full Band’s panic was rising.

“Georg! Evade!” Count snarled. “Damn it!

Trigger banked around a mountain, still staying under the clouds, he cut off the engines for a moment. Using the momentum to hit the turn faster than normal.

 Slamming the throttle back to full the moment he completed the turn.

Prez grit her teeth as they hit the G-forces hard. “Fuck…

“These guys aren’t allies!” Bandog gasped. “How the hell are they showing up as allies!”

“I’m hit! Shit! I’m done for if they get me again!”

“Spare One! Break off! RTB! Four! Keep him covered.” Bandog let out a breath. “Anyone who takes damage you have full permission to leave the AO. Just let me know if you are, and don’t leave alone.”


Trigger kept moving at high speed, determined to link up with his squadron.

Prez threw up more countermeasures. Trying to stop anything from getting near them.

“Are they spoofing our IFF?!” Full Band called out.

“Modern IFF connects to our strategic system via satellites. It can’t be decoded.” Bandog snapped back. “It’s almost impossible for this to happen, plus it’s against so many international laws!”

“You mean the same satellites that were hacked by Erusea? The same satellites that have been guiding missiles at us this whole time?” Prez growled the words out.


“Okay…just checking.”

“Oh…” Bandog groaned. “Fuck! Why did no one think of that!” His fist smashed against something.

“What the hell?!” A grunt came over the coms from Spare Nine. “Fuck! I’m hit!”

“I got you Nine! Spare Thirteen and Nine are heading out!”

“Go! Go! Someone cut off any other plane that tries to follow!” Bandog’s reply was curt and panicked. “Fuck!

“The enemy’s showing no mercy!” Jacker called out. 

Count let out a nervous laugh. “What Enemy?! We’re flying blind!”

“Missile! Missile!” Georg grunted. “Shit! I’ve got no idea who to shoot. Count’s the only one who’s someone recognizable for me.”

“How do they know who’s who?!” Prez gawked at her radar. “This is insane!”

“This is close combat! I don’t know who’s on whose team!” High Roller gasped. “Shit, that almost got me."

“Who’s on my tail?!? Are any of you behind me?” Full Band gasped for breath. 

“It’s me Full Band! It’s Jacker!”

Trigger rounded another mountain with a quick usage of PSM.

“At this rate, no one’s going to get out alive! All aircraft, head into the clouds! Get out of the enemy’s sight!” Bandog's panicked voice filled the coms.

“And then what?!” Count snapped back. “We’re already in the clouds!”

“Fuck! Alright, give me a minute to think…Shit I’m being jammed or something! The only one who’s marked for me right now is Trigger, and even then I’m not sure it’s actually where he is.”

“Hey! The enemy is working in perfect coordination!”

High Roller hissed. “Yeah! While that’s cool and all Count! We’ve got bigger things to worry about!”

“You’ve got one on your tail!” Tabloid called out. 

“Who does?!”

“Shit! Wait…I think that’s Jacker. What about markings and craft type?” Tabloid called out.

“There’s no time!”

“Information regarding IFF’s is top secret. There’s no way they could make a fake!” Tabloid replied. 

“Well they did anyways!”

“New blips on radar!” Prez called out. “Multiple of them! From the North! Spare One! Spare Nine! Avoid them if you can.”

“Copy that Prez!”

“Copy! Thank you Prez!”

“Confirmed!” Bandog was almost out of breath. “We’ve got inbound! Bogey group at bearing Two, Three, Zero! Looks like reinforcements, no IFF ping. I count eight of them…”


“Crimson Squadron.”


Everyone went silent as the familiar voice filled their coms from an open channel.

Trigger froze up for a moment, his eyes widening in realization that the bad situation they were in, just got so much worse.

“Ready MLAA’s. We’re putting an end to this party.” Crimson One chuckled deeply.

Prez growled deeply. “God damn…Peacekeepers!


Oh man, on the one hand I feel like I could have done better on this chapter, on the other hand, I really liked the feel of a saturday night gaming with friends quickly becoming a hectic Furball. However with the stress of real life smashing me into a paste, things have been tough. On top of the almost being flashbanged and shootings going on nearby.

Either way, I apologize to everyone who left such wonderful comments last chapter, please know I have read through each one and WILL get to replying to them today. Life has been so freaking stressful I can barely sleep, let alone figure out words. Hence why I don't know how to feel about this chapter.

As always, I have a Twitter you can check out. I still do twitch streams and always post on twitter when one is happening. Along with the usual stuff. Models, art, random videos that make me laugh, etc.

Thank you all for reading, and I will see you all next month hopefully! ^^

Works inspired by this one: