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Chapter 29: Eindecker


A new weapon, and friend


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Haru politely stood up and reached to grab the door letting them in.

Who stepped in was a completely pure white fuzzy Kintamani , covered head to toe in dark brown, leather pilot equipment and eager smile on their face. His canine Excitement was noticed

“ hello my friends my name is Anthony fokker” his accent was filled with Dutch origin.

“ glad you can join us Mr. fokker” Jack politely said raising his hand to a spare seat in the room.

“Friends this here is one of the country‘s greatest mechanical engineers and he has come all the way from the cities of Amsterdam and Berlin hear our stories but also our help”

“ so you see I have heard of the story of your squadrons actions and I would like to hear yours“

He politely nodded To haru.

in which she regaled her excellent adventure she just had put her wing mates fighting amongst the clouds revolvers in hand handguns and how close she had to get just a live shot on them.

From when she first joined and her spectacular maneuver over the airfield that one day.

The entire time Anthony was writing down in his journal making notes and Haru occasionally catching a glance of some mechanism in this book.

By the end of it all everyone was hooked in on the story and there was a glow behind Mr. Anthony‘s eyes. And Haru noticed

“mr. Fokker?”


“ May I inquire about your mood I noticed as I conversation with all this your smile has grown”

Jacks chuckled

“ I told you she was a smart one”

The Dutch dog looked at her and everyone else with a smug grin.

“ come with me and I’ll show you“


-a month later-

After many papers signed and then allowed, aboard the train I’m still regards to the heart of Germany Berlin with small airfield of the city of Hamburg.

Fokker excitement was clear, this was something new.
Along the way he gave vague hints.

Haru,jack,els,Voss,ibuki we’re all allowed to leave to see this new advantage that Fokker was leading them to.


Hundreds of guards where around the basethere a loan aircraft one wing a light brown fabric. Half-way down the Body a white square with the black iron cross of Germany.
But bizzarre of all was the black object that stood up on the top of the engine.

From afar it looked like some air intake. But there where ammo box’s next to the aircraft.


“What is this?”

“Oh I’m glad you asked it was actually not so much of my genius but one of my fellow engineers using a system where we’re calculating the rotations of the propeller we are able to sync it to the engine and machine gun therefore shooting the gun in between the propeller when it is not there.”


And I would be honored if you were to take the first flight of it.

The stars were very visible in harus eyes to everybody and the grin was even bigger slowly walking up to the aircraft getting inside and getting used to the controls making sure the ailerons the flaps and the rotor. “we’re all ready” Soon came the yello of contact starting up the engine it roaring to life and revving up to its maximum RPM Taking off was a bit of a challenge as it only had one layer of wings but it felt faster and lighter soaring into the sky it definitely seemed a bit harder to control than the biplanes that she was used to but the thing just soared. fast everyone turning into ants on the ground or just black dots as they became further away her lungs were pumping adrenaline racing this is it and looking around she saw two balloons set up for target practice she reached forward and cocked the machinegun bolt it was heavy even for her but it’s cycled and all of a sudden the power at her fingertips and never felt stronger .

Flying over in letting the 8mm roar around firing off at rapid pace through the propeller without a scratch into the balloons each one flying down to the ball flame.

She couldn’t hear it but the but she saw below everyone sharing and more note taking of what she had done

flying further up she closed her eyes feeling the wind on her face in the engine roar this was it. this is what they needed to get Legoshi back to get Louis back to get everyone back to win this war.

And she opened her eyes.

Oil covered every single from her head to her flight vest and her goggles covered in oil she could barely seeing a damn thing around her and below her the sky was black full of bullets and burnt ground. Her skin felt red hot, her heart pumping and red liquid draining down her left arm pushing the throttle.

On the side of her aircraft Roman numerals marked the letter three and on the side two words the “flying florist”


Yes I know it has been a long while I am sorry that I have not been able to post I have been busy and also just finding the time to sit down and write is very difficult.

This is just a small chapter that I can put out now I’ll do my best to keep on working unfortunately I may have written myself into a corner but not to worry I’ll figure a way out of this

I hope you guys enjoy