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It feels like a Zeno's paradox apocalypse. Every time they reach the things that should have heralded the end of the world, they're still there, somehow, and they still have to deal, in some way, and there's yet another, even worse, disaster just about to happen. It would almost have been easier, Alex thinks, if things had properly and cleanly ended: at least then the worst would already have happened, and there wouldn't be this constant almost-but-not-quite-hope almost-but-not-quite-despair of wondering if things could disintegrate further.
Had just one or two more things gone wrong, Season 10, Day X could have ended very differently. And then after that... well, Blaseball is a horror game.
In the face of this, the Spies do their best to keep each other alive and remotely sane.
Bookmark Notes:
"As punishment for this inexcusable act of treachery, the Internet League formally declares that the Commissioner is no longer doing a great job. Parker MacMillan the Third is to be summarily executed -" Parker brings the paper closer to his face, squints in disbelief - "Wait, I'm supposed to what?"
There is flame behind the podium.
A moment later, there is only ash.