List of Bookmarks
“That wasn’t a confession.”
Duo raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? Sounds an awful lot like one to me.”
“It was an admission. I knew I was important to him even though he hadn’t said anything. He knows he’s important to me.”
Duo rolled his eyes. “Fine. Have you admitted that to him in return?”
Trowa looked down. “No.”
“Why don’t you start there and see where it gets you. Start small if you want. Kiss him back for once.”
Trowa thought over that for a moment.
“This is the part where you restore my faith in your intelligence and say that you do kiss him back sometimes. Please tell me you’re not that clueless about this.”
“I haven’t though.”
---Quatre likes smooching Trowa and Trowa likes getting smooches but it takes them a while to talk about it