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Chapter 5: Confession


Kizami confesses his feelings to you in his own way.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Student found dead at Byakudan Senior High School early today. Police officials suspect no foul play. More news on this at eleven--


You sped away from the morning news that was on the television, anxiety kicking up from the little information you received.


Your cell phone blew up with texts from a friend. Messages, rumors, possible truths on who it was. No one knew for sure. School had been closed. The body was found early this morning before daylight broke, before the school day could officially start. It was probably found by security or one of the janitors. Your stomach sank. 


You texted Kizami and your phone dinged before you could set it down on your dresser. That was fast; Kizami never took very long to text you after you offered him your phone number. This was record fast though as if he'd been waiting for you.


You never called him before, but you wanted some kind of comfort. This was devastating. Someone drowned in the pool. Was it an accident? Did they slip in? Did they take their own life? Jesus Christ. That thought made you want to cry. You hit the phone icon next to his name and it only rings three times before he picks up. His tone is warm, friendly. Like nothing is wrong.


"Y/n! Hey." You could hear the smile in his voice.  But you ignored the causalness of his tone. It wasn't important. 


"Yuuya, do you have any idea who it might of been that died?"


Kizami swiveled around from his computer, getting up on his feet. "Hmm, dunno." At this response he heard your heavy sigh on the other end. "Why are you so worried? Let the police handle it. Besides what's done is done regardless of what happened. No need to let it ruin your whole day."




Kizami heard you trail off. He'd decided to give you some rope. "Since school is closed for the day you wanna hang out?"


You swallowed nervously. You've never hung out with him before...well not much after school and even during school that was sorta limited since you both had to pay attention to lessons and he had his own friends that you never bothered to get anywhere near. Kizami had introduced you but you shied away. He didn't force it. Unbeknownst to you he didn't really mind keeping you to himself, away from those idiots he forced himself to be around.


"Oh...okay. Yeah, that'd be nice. Uh, you want to come to my house?"


Kizami grinned to himself. He was going to ask because fuck bringing you here. He didn't want his stupid family to embarrass him and be nosy. "I'd love to." Kizami beamed with excitement. He'd get to actually be in your room. Be in your room with you. "Are your parents gonna be home too? I wouldn't mind meeting them." Actually he would mind. But he needed you to think he was normal. Well, by the usual standard any way.


"No, my mom and dad went to work already, they'll be back in the evening."


"That's cool." That's fucking fantastic. Kizami can't keep himself still. Pacing around in his room to keep himself calm enough to sound nonchalant.


"Yeah! Um, we can order out and watch movies if you want. You like games?"


"Yeah that'd be cool and games are alright. Honestly, whatever you want to do I'm fine with."


After alittle more talking you both got off the phone after a decision was made that he'd be there in an hour or so.


That was the first time in his life that he was worried mildly concerned about what he would wear somewhere. Kizami knew he was handsome. He always knew what to wear, especially on the rare occasions he actually bothered to go some place fancy with his family. His shirts, joggers, and trendy yet sensible sneakers were his go to when he went out with his friends. He wondered if he should dress up for his first time going to your home. He wanted all his firsts with you to be perfect. 


He got out of his own head and opted for a nice t-shirt, a grey one he hasn't worn yet, some khiaki joggers with the appropriate color scheme Jordan's. He grabbed one of his jackets and ran out of the house before any of his siblings could notice. 


Kizami would have ran to your house but he didn't want to be all sweaty. Only way he'd allow something like that is if he was fucking you. He'd definitely like today to be the day, wants to get to it already.  He almost salivates at the idea of it: making you scream and coming inside you. He feels feral just thinking of burying his dick down your pretty throat with you on your knees. When he's finally a few blocks down he texts you that he's close by. He kinda wants to tell you how he feels, what he's done for your sake and how much he enjoyed it. He wishes he could share that with you. Kizami shakes himself out his thoughts as he approaches your freshly cut lawn.


He can hear the muffled call of his name behind the door; you probably saw him from out the window or something. He smiles at how excited you are to see him. He doesn't expect it when you open the door you run out and almost tackle him with a hug. Kizami's kinda stunned for a moment, your arms tight around his waist and your face in his chest. You're so much shorter than him, you can't even reach his shoulders without tip toeing. He blushes, almost hesitant before he hugs you back just as tight and then a little too tight when his brain finally registers just how close you are to his body. It feels divine feeling you like this, your warmth-- Kizami pushes his face in your hair, your hair smells so nice. Your perfect


He must be holding you too tight because you start to pull away. Damnit. Kizami is resistant of the separation, only eases up on his hold when he hears the muffled call of his name, picks up his head to look down at your precious face looking up at him curiously. He let's go of you completely in that moment, unable to mask the awkwardness with his usual confident demeanor. He glances away from your stare, rubs the back of his head.


What the fuck was that about?


"Yuuya?" Your voice is soft, inquisitive. Kizami meets your eyes again, willing the color from his face as he breathes out his nose. "Are you okay?"


Hes honest, chuckling at himself. Feeling alittle unsure of himself for the first time in a long time. "Not sure," then he lies again, "I guess I'm shaken up from the bad news as well."


You nod your head in understanding. "Of course! Come inside! I made something for us to eat. I hope you didn't already have breakfast."


Kizami didn't eat breakfast. Why waste time eating when you were possibly on the menu? Kizami's knuckles pressed into his cheek as he watches you bring a spoon of your favorite cereal to your mouth. Everything you did was so damn cute. He felt like one of those dumb little kids in kindergarten that sees a hamster for the first time. He smiles at you when your eyes make contact again while you're putting your spoon down.


"Are the scrambled eggs okay?"


Kizami blinks. What? He looks down. Oh yeah. He forgot about the food. Kizami nods, picking up his fork and digging into the meal you made him. "Yeah, its great. Thank you." 


It's like your eyes almost sparkle after he says that. He likes it. He really likes that you bothered making something for him. An idea comes to mind and he smirks. "But I have a small stomach, so I can't finish it all." It's a total lie, he's a teenage boy but the idea of having his mouth on something you just put your mouth on is making him feel just alittle crazy. You watch him pick up some of the scrambled egg on his fork and bring it towards you.


You freeze. "Uhm, you sure?" You don't normally share food like this unless it's your parents or something, but Kizami looks expectant, shrugging his shoulders and brings the food close to your lips. You give into the peer pressure. 'I mean it can't hurt.' And when your lips wrap around the fork the tension in the dining room is thick despite his nonchalant laughter. But maybe it's just you because you have a crush on him.


Teaming with nerves you smile shyly at Kizami. You're an okay cook, you guess. "Its not bad. More salt maybe?" You joked, trying not to be awkward. Kizami thinks you're an exceptional cook, anything you do is perfection in his eyes. 


"It's perfect." Kizami compliments and eats more of the food, not because he's really hungry but so that he can put the same fork you just had in your mouth in his. He tries to be as subtle possible, suppressing a groan threatening his chest, but there's not much he can do about the semi making itself present under his pants. Fuck. Would you be suspicious if he tried that again? Maybe later. He can wait til later.


Both you and Kizami finish your food and the moment he's been aching for arrives. 


Your bedroom..


You had wanted to play a board game? He wasn't really paying attention, too busy studying the hallway you guided him through. He definitely wouldn't mind knowing the layout of your house. He wasn't successful looking it up online on those real estate websites he found. All he found was a Google maps image of the outside. Kizami's sharp eyes land on your bedroom door once you stop. He smirks at the KEEP OUT sign tacked to it's center. He needed one of those for his door.


"This is my room." And of course it is. Kizami nods his head even though you can't see it. Once the door is opened he's hit with the scent of fresh linen and you. You feel his chest on your back and his hands encompass your shoulders. Kizami plays off his eagerness as playfulness when he gently squeezes your shoulders.


"Alright, let's play that game you were talking about."




Kizami really wasn't paying attention. He lifts his Pawn three spaces forward, the black chess piece closing in on its counterpart. He didn't think you'd been talking about playing Chess. He thought it'd be something like Monopoly or Guess Who. He did enjoy this though, something quiet and not juvenile. Definitely something that gave him plenty opportunity to study your concentrated features as you looked down at the playing board. He could watch you for hours and not grow bored.


You scratched your head, lips forming a pout that Kizami wanted to press his lips against.  


"You're really good at this, Yuuya." 


Kizami sighs. He loved hearing you say his name. You move a piece that he ends up taking and putting on the sidelines. Hes gotten quite a few of your chess pieces already. "So, do you feel any better?"


You shrugged and got up from your spot on the floor. Kizami looked on as you went and collapsed on your neatly made bed that he wouldn't mind joining you on. His silent wish is granted when you beckon him over. He's trying to contain himself as he sits next to you. You're laying on your stomach, your shorts have ridden up your legs abit and what he wouldn't do to run his fingers up your thighs...




"Hm?" Kizami blinks, his eyes looking up from your alluring behind. You look behind you and tell him to come up by you. Kizami smiles, if you'd been paying more attention you'd notice how not innocent it was. Kizami mimicks you, getting close to the point your shoulders almost touch. If it bothers you he can't tell. Kizami hears a heavy sigh leave your mouth and your shoulders fall.


"I can't wait til I graduate. What are you going to do once you do?" You ask him.


Kizami mauls it over before he answers. He doesn't think about it much. His plan was to go to a university, move out and get far away from his family, and have his own place. 


"Gonna move out and continue my education." He says simply. School has always been fairly easy for him. It's everything else that seems more or less annoying. "You?"


You share your own plans and Kizami listens closely, putting in his two cents here and there. He's such a good listener. He even moves a tiny abit closer when your volume gets lower because he's so intent on hearing what you have to say. It's sorta random, it's sudden, but he can't help it. He's so close now and if he doesn't express it, do or say something he might just snap.


"You smell really good, Y/n." 


"H-huh? Oh. Thank you..." You giggle and divert your eyes to a tiny spect of something that's near a floorboard. Kizami's smile softens, his heart races as he stares intensely at your face. He's having a hard time now. Maybe he's gotten too close, but he can't move away at this point. He's sure you like him. You're special but you aren't that much different than the other girls at school of which a large majority favor him. You definitely like him.


That's why Kizami finds it so easy to scoot over to the point your shoulders and hips are touching, finding that you don't reject his touch when he reaches out to press his hand against your face. You're so fucking cute with that startled expression on your face. Kizami's mouth practically waters when you say his name with a hushed voice. You're too fucking precious.


Your eyes glance down from his eyes to his lips. He's so close you can see the tiniest imperfections on his cheeks, his small pores, and a tiny, almost invisible acne scar under the swell of his lip. It's like time has slowed down. You can hear your heart beat. Kizami turns your face, his fingers smoothing your baby hairs and the soft pad of his thumb tenderly rubbing your cheek.


Kizami leans closer, lightly trailing his lips over yours, your name a whisper on his tongue as his lidded eyes grow heavier. Fuck. Finally he has you to himself, alone, no outside noise or distractions. He's so happy when you shyly press your lips against his, inexperienced as you brush them across his lips.


His little rabbit is so sweet and innocent. 


It's so fucking hot. He's gonna enjoy taking away all that innocence. He's going to make you vugarly his.


You let Kizami take the lead, not really knowing how to move your lips as he guides you with his. "Relax.." He murmurs, warm breath fanning your skin before he gently sucks on your bottom lip. His kisses are gentle, alittle chaste, slow. It's relaxing and you find yourself calmer. This is the calmest you've felt since this morning. 


When he finally pulls away it's just so he can climb over you and guide you onto your back. He smiles down at you like you're the only thing that matters. It's kind of alot, makes your stomach twist with knots before hes distracting you with more kisses, but on your neck. It feels incredible. It makes your eyes flutter shut and makes the knots in your stomach turn into butterflies. You tense when you feel his hand go under your top, big warm palm spayed out on your soft stomach.




Kizami tongue peeks out to taste your skin. "Yeah?" He hopes you don't want to stop. But you probably want to. He'll wait as long as he must. You're relieved when he gets up on his knees, straddling you with his bigger body. He's so handsome; dark hair perfectly framing his features, kissable slightly wet lips. It makes you feel weak. You can't believe he's doing this with you. He could have anyone. But he chose you.


"Uuuhh..." You don't know what to say. "That felt nice." Truthfully it did. But you don't want to make a mistake.


Kizami gives you a mischievous smirk that makes your brows raise alittle. "I can make you feel even better." His hand rubs across your stomach, right under your breasts. Kizami pauses the movement when your hand closes over his. "Do you trust me?"


"Yeah...but I don't want things to get weird between us."


"Weird? How?" Kizami tilts his head, geninuely confused. He's sure about this, about you. "I'm not gonna be weird after we do anything. Are you?"


You shake your head, eyes wide. "N-no! I just..."




You look down. "...I don't know."


Kizami narrows his eyes at you, faint scowl on his face. Kizami removes his hand from under your shirt. You're unsure? 


You watch Kizami pull up his shirt, exposing his lean toned torso. Your speechless as you looking up and down his milky skin. His name comes out incomplete from your mouth when his free hand pulls down the loose waist band of his sweats, fingers tugging it down along with his boxers.


Kizami hisses when his cock is freed from its confines and exposed to the cool air in your room. His long cock hangs over, his balls getting fresh air when he pulls his pants down further. Your mouth runs dry as you watch him palm a pec as he keeps his shirt up. Abs and v-line making your brain work into overdrive. You gasp when his fist closes around his cock. 


"I'm...not unsure at all." Kizami pants, taking his bottom lip between his teeth, trying not moan from the situation alone. "I'm like this because of you." Kizami eyes meets yours, longingly. "You wanna touch it?"


You have never seen a real penis before. You're not too sure. What if you hurt him or do it wrong? "Um, I don't know how to--" 


Kizami silences you when he roughly grabs your hand and brushes it against his cock. "Please, just touch me...!" Kizami's pants, cheeks flushing pinker by the second. He husks out your name and that's what makes you take a chance and curl your inept fingers around his warm shaft.


Kizami's breath hitches once you grab him on your own. His mind spirals when you move up, your hand gently pushing his shoulder, anything you do makes his cock jump with pleasure. Kizami kneels as you hover over his cock. His lids lower to the point of closing when he feels your breath fan it. Your mouth is so fucking close. He'd do anything if you just fucking suc--


"Aaaaahhh...!" He moans as soon as your lips close around the smooth head of his cock. Kizami's eyes roll into the back of his head when you suction your mouth. You're such a fucking liar. You didn't know what to do!? He can't believe that, not when you're doing so good that he feels like he's going to cum right this second. Kizami drops a hand to his balls, a useless attempt to edge off the sensation of his oncoming orgasm.


You grunt when you feel his fingers swiftly curl into your hair. Kizami throws all caution into the wind, making good on his vulgar promise. 


"Oh fuck. Fuck. You're doing so good, Y/n...! If you keep making me feel good like this I might just cum in your pretty little mouth..." Kizami groans then, his twitching cock thrusting into you mouth, sliding along your wet muscle. Kizami really wants to bust his load down your throat. What he wouldn't give to fuck your face on this bed. But he doesn't want to scare you too much. He can't afford to lose this current level of access to you.


Kizami can feels the saliva running down his cock, wetting his sac as he shallowly thrusts into your deliciously hot mouth. Kizami continues to praise you and each nice word of encouragement makes your abdomen swim, makes you rub your thighs together. It even makes you bring your nose against his public bone despite the strong urge to gag. Your toes curl when he lets out a low groan.


Kizami can feel himself against your tonsils. He grins down at you, watching him under your fluttering, watery lashes. "Such a good girl for me. Gonna let me use your sweet little throat?" Kizami experimentally grinds up against your nose, his pubic hair tickling your nose before he slowly inches back just a tiny bit and pivots back in. He hisses the same time he hears a wet gargle come from you.


Kizami is generous with his praises as he uses your throat as his personal cocksleeve. Kizami throws his head back as tries his best to breed it with his grip locked into the strands of your hair.


You quickly popped off him for air when he lets you go, his cock getting wetly coughed on as you try to swallow what's on your tongue. 


Kizami watches with a lazily smile as you lick your lips of the mostly tasteless liquid. He squeezes his dick, which is still twitching, but too sensitive to do much as with at the moment. 


You clear your throat looking up at him. You feel so hot and bothered. You don't know what came over you but you liked it. You felt kinda guilty though. You really shouldn't be doing this.


Kizami eyes drop from your face.


"I can return the favor." Kizami smiles, sweetly. 


Kizami frowns when you shake your head. He sighs and decides he'll just have to help you anyway. He had to help you. This wasn't just him about him. It's not like he has been daydreaming about tasting you. 


You protest when Kizami pushes you onto your back and there's nothing you can do when he roughly pulls off your shorts and drags them off your panicked legs and ankles. You protest again when he forcefully shoves open your legs and almost shout when he pushes his nose and mouth into your wet crotch. Kizami groans at your musky scent. Kizami wraps his fingers around his cock as he begins to taste you through your panties. Your one free leg lands on his back and you squirm under him when you feel his tongue dig into your clit hidden behind soaked fabric. 


"You smell heavenly. Fuck, Y/n...You're perfect. Perfect for me, only me." Kizami mutters, heatedly  nuzzling your pussy before he pulls it slightly to the side for a direct taste of your honey.


You jump when his tongue licks your clit. Kizami wastes no time in moving your panties completely to the side after that, stretching them out as he feverishly laves at your spread labia, dragging his tongue on your quiverying pussy. Kizami's grunts and moans vibrate against your tender, dripping flesh. It's impossible not to reach down and touch him. His fine hair escapes your trembling fingers the first try, but on the second try you're rougher and Kizami literal mewls low in his throat when you snatch it up. 


Kizami's dreamy eyes meet your lidded ones as he sucks on the sensitive lower lips, loudly smacking his mouths at your taste before hes throwing his thumb over your exposed clit to rub heavy circles. You whine his name and body shivering, toes curling into your wrinkled comforter as he begs for you to cum on his tongue. 


"Cum for me little rabbit. Wanna see you when you explode in my mouth. Don't be shy, let go, cum, cum, cum--" Kizami mouthed on your twitching cunt as you humped up into his face. Kizami's jerks his cock until its ruining your sheets, squeezes every last drop out of his balls as you quake on his tongue, your little voice murmuring his name mindlessly as you ride an orgasm. 


Kizami climbs up your body; you can feel his stiff, wet cock on your tummy as he reaches your mouth. Kizami gives you an open mouthed kiss, taking advantage of your mouth being open as you try to catch your breath, and makes you taste yourself. You whimper from the taste, you don't really like it. However, Kizami makes it difficult to refuse his kiss. You can feel his heavy cock rubbing up and down your stomach as he curls his tongue around yours, making your mouth steadily fill with saliva before he sucks lewdly on your tongue. 


Kizami spills his seed on your stomach before hes satisfied, spreading it with the tip of his cock, dragging a fist over the head to make sure every last drop stains your pretty skin. You just let him, recovering from him peppering your neck with kisses and rubbing your clit again until you sobbed for him to stop.


Kizami stops playing with the cum cooling on your skin before hes leaning over you, taking your bottom lip between his fingers to admire its softness.


"Go out with me."


That stirs you out of your daze. What?


"My girlfriend," He grins at you lazily as he plays with your mouth, tip of his finger rubbing on your wet teeth. "Wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks. Kizami's digit trails down, his finger rubs lightly on your tongue. You close your mouth hesitantly around it, and suck and Kizami is sure he's in love with you. You give him a slight nod, a muffled yes as your answer and he smiles.


I'm happy with this chapter 🤗