Work Text:
Cover Art for the story Sweet Infiltration written by jane_x80 for Day 13 of NCIS Happy Holidays Advent Challenge at NCIS_discuss on LiveJournal.
The theme for Day 13 is Holiday Candies/Desserts/Snacks.
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Important message:
Cover Art for the story Sweet Infiltration written by jane_x80 for Day 13 of NCIS Happy Holidays Advent Challenge at NCIS_discuss on LiveJournal.
The theme for Day 13 is Holiday Candies/Desserts/Snacks.
It’s time for signing up to the
NCIS Reverse Bang 2021
Please, join us at
Authors and artists, we need you!
Keep the NCIS fandom alive by participating!
Please, spread the word!
Here is another of jane_x80 and I artwork and story combo for the NCIS Happy Holidays Advent Challenge at LiveJournal.
Another one inspired by your awesome and funny story, my friend, my Bernie. Thanks for sharing your work with us! You are the best! *hugs*
Enjoy! Ha ha!
Red Pink Dots
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Cover Art for the story Sweet Infiltration written by jane_x80 for Day 13 of NCIS Happy Holidays Advent Challenge at NCIS_discuss on LiveJournal.
The theme for Day 13 is Holiday Candies/Desserts/Snacks.
Authors and artists out there, I am calling you!
We need you!It’s the time for signing up to the NCIS Reverse Bang 2021. You have until the beginning of January 2021 for signing up. Please, go to the NCIS Bang on LiveJournal for more details.
The NCIS Reverse Bang is desperately in need of authors (and to some extent, artists too) willing to participate at it this year. Everyone is welcomed! It’s a fun challenge, don’t hesitate to ask current and former participants about it. I would like to see more participants in the future, could you think you could be one of them? Let’s try it this year! :)
Authors sign up link :
Artists sign up link :
Please, spread the word!
Red Pink Dots
Robin4160, Schokokeks561, krysalys, nalamacleod, Pipamonium, jane_x80, ellenscult, deeniebee28, jesco0307, I_kill_Zombies, cutsycat, FlamingoLady, Dolphinstarchild, QueeneoftheDeer, LadyIvy, mefeather, LAG0802, krynny, PaulaCas, and ainamclane as well as 9 guests left kudos on this work!