Work Text:
“Crow! Put that down!”
Marilyn, member of the Black Ravens and local mom friend, was yelling at me. I sighed, and took the cigarette out of my mouth. I let out a long puff of smoke, then coughed.
“You know that isn’t good for you!” Marilyn berated me. “And to make it worse, you’re only 15! ”
“I am well aware of all the health risks associated with smoking,” I acknowledged, “But it makes me feel close to my dear old dad. Surely that excuses it?” I hoped Marilyn caught onto my sarcasm, as it wasn’t the real reason I smoked. Yes, it was true, and probably still is, that my father was known to smoke much too often. I’d come home after school to find him lying on the couch, cigarette in hand, filling the living room with the scent of nicotine. At least he left around five years ago, because now all I have to deal with is the putrid odor of all the alcohol my mother buys.
I snuffed the cigarette, and threw it on the ground for some rodent to find and try to nibble on.
“What seems to be the problem?” I asked. As the leader of the Black Ravens, I was used to being called upon by its members to fix issues that might arise. “Is something buying something?”
“No,” Marilyn said, nervously. She handed me a white envelope with a blue seal. “This came. It was addressed to you specifically.” I took it, and noticed immediately the capital “L” on the seal. I didn’t need Marilyn to tell me for me to know it was from Luke.
“Well well well,” I said, chuckling at the thought of what he might write to me. “Let’s see… fancy seal, perfect handwriting…” I opened the envelope and pulled out its contents. “And what appears to be a message written in silver ink. Well, he really is just living the good life without us, eh?” I looked up to check if Marilyn was laughing at my joke, but evidently she had left.
Sighing, I read the letter.
Dear Crow…
I hope you’re doing well in misthallery.
I do truly wish I could come visit, but alas I cannot.
My family is having fun here in America.
Please say hello to Arianna and Tony for me.
Oh, and if a man named “Desmond Sycamore” ever comes to visit misthallery, please don’t be rude to him.
He saved my life.
Things here are going very well. I have a larger room and we even have a pool in our backyard.
I really wish you could see this place.
You would certainly love it here.
Please write back with how you are doing!
Your friend across the sea,
Luke Triton
I smiled. Luke didn’t forget about our friendship, even if he lived farther away than ever. Maybe I should respond, I thought to myself. Maybe I should…
But what would I say?
“Thank you Luke, everything is fine. Sure, my mother may have developed an alcohol addiction, and myself picked up smoking at 15, but everything else is fine.”
No matter how I try to word it, the truth of my reality will never sound right to someone like Luke.
Luke, the privileged kid. He grew up wealthy. He was born lucky.
I was lucky to be born at all.
Actually, Lucky was pushing the definition of the word.
I wasn’t lucky, I was cursed.
Cursed with a father with a nicotine addiction and no desire to know me.
Cursed with an alcoholic mother who I’m just grateful hasn’t resorted to hard drugs.
Cursed with being the ringleader for a gang of teens with no true home.
No, that wasn’t right.
We had a home.
The home away from our so-called “families” was the black market.
Sure, it was illegal, but what else can you do?
Us Black Ravens stand together and stand strong.
The only home I ever need.
The only family I ever want.
I am Crow.
The leader of the Black Ravens.
My true family.