Work Text:
💗💗💗 Lena 💗💗💗
Today 6:17 PM
Lena! You won’t believe what happened today! The guys and I went searching for Cornelius Coot’s golden armory!
Let me guess, Louie cried at least twice? 😏
Actually, I think it was three times 😂
So... something happened to me too...
Vi said...
Vi said the guys were thinking about... ya know... adopting me...
I don’t think they’ll go through with it...
Even if they do, they’ll regret it
I’ve been over to your house. I’ve seen how they are with you.
They love you.
They already have a perfect daughter. I can’t imagine they’d be proud of having a shadow freak with a psycho aunt as their next charity case
Lena! You’re not a freak! OF COURSE they’ll be happy to have you! You’re finally going to be part of a real family!
You’re the only family I’ve ever needed, Pink
Aww! That’s sweet! 😊
Trust me, you’re going to be happy.
Not possible. Maybe if the guys actually do ask me, I’ll just say no
Why do you always do this?
Do what?
Constantly doubt yourself.
Why won’t you let yourself deserve something?
Webby... I’ve spent over 15 years with someone who made me feel worthless... like I was nothing... it takes a toll on you...
You need to start seeing yourself the way that I see you, you beautiful idiot! I’ve always known how great you are, Lena. Mr. and Mr. Sabrewing see it, too! I’m going to text Violet and ask her to fill me in because I want to be there for when it happens! Like I’d miss one of the most important moments of my best friend’s life! 😊😊😊
I don’t deserve you, Pink 😉
You deserve everything.
Lena Sabrewing
Has a nice ring to it
I can’t believe something good is happening to me...
I want nothing but wonderful things for you, Lena! I just hope I’ll always be a part of them.
You’re the best thing that’s happened to me, Webby. I can’t imagine going through the rest of my life without you
I’m getting tired.
Mind if I come over tomorrow?
Can’t wait
Indy’s making blueberry pancakes again
I’ll save you a few 🥞💙
Goodnight, Pink
Goodnight, Lena